Yes we don't talk as much but it is just life that is breaking us apart. I work in the early morning starting as early as 5 AM while everyone else is still sleeping and then when I get home from work, Ashley is at work or Mel is at school or Ren just isn't talking to us. It's kind of sad truthfully but we can't talk every second of every day.
I am the only girl in ARMSAC who has ever met another ARMSAC girl having met Crystal and Melissa but truthfully it's just making me want our meeting even more. Whenever I talk to Crystal, which is rarely lately (though she called me on my birthday and told me happy birthday, merry christmas and said her father said the same) we always talk about what is gonna happen when we meet up. It's amazing I love talking to Crystal, after all she was the first ARMSAC girl that I met in real life. And then Mel and I being the horrible people we are (jk jk) were talking about how at ARMSAC 09 we were gonna force the whore(Ricky's girlfriend) to sleep in the cow pasture across the street lol.
And yes I do miss talking with Ashley every day, she is my best friend ( i've said this before) so when I see a myspace comment or a facebook post or even a text from her it makes me smile. Right now we're talking on AIM and it seems like forever since we last did that. Which truthfully I think it was before Mel and I went to see Twilight together.
(Side note about twilight-mel and i managed to prove multiple times during the movie that it was so me and kevin, ash & nick and mel and joe lol)
But while I miss talking to her every day I know that the next time I talk to her it will be the most amazing thing in the world. And I say that because it's always like we haven't seen each other in ten years even though it's been two days. I love how free we are with one another and that is truthfully why she is my best friend.
And I miss talking to Mel too, she always puts up with the randomness that is me. You really should have been there the day that we 'made' babies with the Jonas family and yea (Kevin and Nick) and [Joe and Big rob] had cuter babies {with each other} than I had with Nick. I love her OJD comics they are amazing and the fact that sometimes I know it's me in those comics makes me love her just a little bit more.
And Crystal (& ricky) I miss talking to her(&him). She is one of my best friends too (all the girls are my best friends really & ricky too) and since her computer crashed I have to deal with texts or phone calls and while I love being able to talk to her(&him) it's just not the same as staying up all night and talking over AIM and then getting up the next morning and seeing her still online and ready to talk to me. I miss her and I can't wait to see her again.
And Renners, well I miss talking to Renners period. I mean that she was the one who was keeping me sane when I was slowly going crazy and now I rely on Mel for that one but truthfully Ren makes me feel like a young soul. And I do mean that because Ren is so eliquite and mature and then you get Ashley and Me and we are so young and immature. I guess she is just the perfect mother figure for us(Hey she could be Esme!) But I know that everytime we get together it will be fun.
We as the ARMSAC group are not falling apart we are growing it is a bit hard at times because our growth is seperated from the rest of the group but we are growing none the less. I am growing in more ways than anyone can see. I remember a time when I wouldn't talk to people I didn't know and now I'm the one who is talking first and bubbly and loud. How I was with people I knew. I understand that yes it is common to grow but because of these girls I grew in more ways than one and I thank them for that.
I think the most important thing to remember right now is yes we are best friends, we might now always be best friends(but if I can help it I will force you guys to be my best friends forever*evil laughter here*) but for the time being we are. We might be invisible to those who we wish would see us in the real world, and have irrational dreams and fears but atleast we have people here to make us believe in ourselves. And as long as we believe in ourselves, in our friendship there is nothing that can break us apart.
So fall for the boy who everyone loves. Convince yourself you can be a famous singer(me not ren ren could be). Be corageous and get on a plane for the first time(there are three of you). Just know that no matter what we will be there for one another.