Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am doubtful at times, but I can't help it what happens when the world all goes wrong?

So I finally have friends who I like, who like me and we plan to get together. And then basically we don't talk, which is kind of bullshitty but I accept it. I mean it's ARMSAC 2009 and I understand that some of us are working all the time (Ash & Me) some of us have school (Mel & Me) and some of us lost our only source on internet(Crystal) but I remember the times when every two seconds Ashley and I were talking somehow. I don't know it just seems kind of awkward now not talking to everyone. Mel and I might be going to see twilight together after December 12th, I really hope we go. I truly do. BUt who knows what will happen. *mistaken face with slight distaste*

Ash if you got your present I hope you like it. ily<3


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Almost Legal :D

Okay. So. Maybe not but my birthday is in a MONTH.
do you know what that means?
I turn 18 in a month. I loose this "child" title I have. I can do things that I've done since I was little legally now.
And I do mean that I've been scratching scratch lottery tickets since I was about five.
And smoking since I was 11.
Oh and there is that whole driving thing I do that I do illegally because I'm not suppose to have more than one person in my car who isn't family... *oops*.

And i loose that stupid curfew that people under 18 have.
I can't wait.
happy month til christmas guys :)
and happy early thanksgiving if I don't get on to say it.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Girls your milkshake does NOT bring all the boys to the yard.

The lovely school resource officer at the Westerly High School said that lol.
It was really funny to hear all the random song titles he said.
Such as
"Girls your milkshake does NOT bring all the boys to the yard."

"There will be no Shaking it like a Polaroid picture."

"You will not be getting low low low low."

"Girls leave your apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur at home."

oh man I wish i was still in high school some times.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


yea that is how i am feeling right now. ARMSAC 2009 just keeps getting closer and closer and while we are all very sad that renners wouldn't be able to come guess what guess what guess what!
AS IN armsaCorinne!
she might be able to come.
i would spazz.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I don't know it seems to me that my weird obsession with the Jonas Brothers is slowly dying, until something new Jonas catches my eye and then I'm right back there with them. But truthfully I am more excited for the Twilight Movie than I am for the Jonas Brothers 3D movie. I mean shinny vampire men who look oh so fucking sexy, a werewolf who is my age in real life and fucking sexy. Um let's go with sexy time. Hell I even changed my background of my laptop from my favorite picture of the Jonas Brothers to the twilight boys. Cause yea. twilight<3. I don't know i mean unhealthy obsessions have always been my thing. Since I was oh twelve when I first discovered Dream Street (eep. Jesse McCartney, Frankie Galasso, Matt Ballinger, Chris Trousdale, and Greg Raposo *happy grins*) and now at almost 18 with Jonas Brothers( Kevin. Joe, Nick &Frankie...&garbo.&jack&jt&bigrob&ryan) and Twilight (EDWARD[rob], EMMETT[kellan],JASPER[jackson],JACOB[taylor]) ugh.
Unhealthy obsessions are so my thing.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm The Oldest Young Person I Know/ ARMSAC 2009/Drugtalk2.0

No seriously I am the oldest young person I know. I'm seventeen years old and I can barely move. I know what you are thinking what? how is that possible you work for eight hours a day shop on end (and ...). True I do but after I do my knees burn I can barely walk and it sucks horribly. My knees crack every two seconds(I used to do these bends when I was younger[fuck I'm still young] that I was TOLD would damage my knees and they did), my ankles give out on me (I sprained they too much during soccer and did nothing about it ever), and my feet well they are horribly callused and sore and horrible (I'm not quite sure why). Then there is my back, we're not exactly sure if this was from my car accident or not my family and co-workers think it was, I don't think so. I mean I used to have shoulder and back pain before the car crash, but after the car crash I guess it became more frequent and worse. There was one day when I think I pinched a nerve and I could barely stand.
I can only imagine myself at like fifty confined to a wheelchair because I can't move. And I don't doubt that I will be. I'm just waiting for some doctor one day to look at me and be like, you have cancer in your joints or arthrites in your joints. Cause it will happen. :/
ARMSAC 2009 dude when we all get together it will be epic, even though right now it is only Ashley and I, since everyone else seemed to be all no I don't want to post on the ARMSAC blog... and by everyone else I mean Melissa, cause Crystal's computer is broken so she can't get online. And none of us have talked to Ren in FOREVER. So I forsee the event as being mad wicked awesome.
Ashley is my best friend, just like she keeps saying I am hers Ashley is mine. I have a friend who I have been friends with since I was five or six and I don't talk to her like at all anymore but Ashley and I talk every day. That is part of the reason she is my best friend. Another reason is she knows to much so we have to be best friends Jtothek. But we have these redicilious inside jokes, pester each other (ashley) over presents, and just have fun. ily ashleyluff :)
(I'm skipping right here to Crystal sorry mel)
Crystal and I have actually seen each other actually been together before and it was a shit load of fun. Sleeping all day, staying up all night, iming each other even though we were like three feet apart. Ricky stealing my laptop....
RICKY CAN BE THE R IN ARMSAC (bajah not like I am replacing Ren I love her to much to do that but just saying)
...and then screaming cause of my background picture, before changing my background of my laptop to a picture of him shirtless. and the background of my phone to a picture of him. Crystal and I talking to ourselves, our walk to seveneleven. the guys bike tire popping and us almost getting lost. My operation grope kevin jonas t-shirt magically becoming a wife beater and just plain penis related fun. :) ily crystalily
Melissa and I almost met we were at the same concert and we passed each other multiple times and never knew it. I saw her once I swore but she was gone in a flash and that was the end of that. We live in the same state and if needed I will go kick some english teacher butt for her! She and I get along really well. I can always talk to her if I need some ARMSAC love. or if she needs some love period. ily Mellers :)
Richard might be coming to ARMSAC 2009, depends on if he annoys the hell out of me cause if he does his ticket can go to Kevin. Yea I said it! He and I are friends but he annoys me but I love him. Idk? he's amazing at times and d-bagish at others. :/
Marni,Brittany and any others that might come...most of them rock. Marni and Brittany are amazing I love those two girls we met once for a concert before and I realized how fucking tall they are compared to me. Like seriously I look like a little kid compared to Marni and Brittany is only a couple of inches shorter than Marni. Marni is the Shaq to my Kobe :).

Side note ASHLEY why did we not invite Corinne to ARMSAC 2009. I know she lives on the other side of the country but STILL!

I put up with people talking about doing drugs I do. I mean I once had a converstaion with Kevin when he was high. It was hilarious. I have also had talks with Ricky when he was, not as hilarious more depressing...and scary. So I put up with it. I just don't like it.

& finally

Ashley whatever your middle name is Ates
We will always be friends got that. And no little thing of you doing drugs will change that. i freakin love you.



i have this weird thing about hating to disappoint people. i've always had it and i probably always will. part of my major trepidation about the armsac meetup is meeting you guys and you realizing that i'm really just this boring, immature girl and you'll be so disappointed that i'm not at all how you think i am.

i really hate disappointing family and friends. they've put so much faith in me that when i let them down i feel so bad. everyone at work thinks i've been at school this whole semester because if i told them i didn't go they'd STILL be talking about it. when i disappoint my grandma or mom it almost physically hurts. i mean, not little disappointments, like when i don't clean my room or something, but when i REALLY let them down.

so when stephani said that i disappointed her, it really killed me. i don't even know what to say to her now. i mean i can't just erase her disappointment away with an ily betch and everything be great, but i want to.

it's a case of where i'm damned if i do and damned if i don't.

did you know that will used to fuss and bitch at me so much when i went out and drank and smoked pot and stuff? he would literally call me and yell at me if he found out. and now he does it more than i ever have and thinks it was funny how he hurt my feelings so much. oh how the tables have turned.

i think everyone in my family is suffering from an addiction of sorts. even dylan, the youngest member of our family. he could have been born addicted to cocaine because his mom was a user. his dad is an alcoholic and has been in jail for most of my life. my other uncle is a drug addict and alcoholic. even my dad is a drug addict and alcoholic. i seriously worry that kristen will be going down the same path. i don't worry about myself too much, because if i can stop like i did last year, i can stop again. i'm not going to let anything get to a point that i can't handle. i learned that lesson at the last major party i went to. if things start to look more serious, i know i can walk away. and not many people can say that with confidence.

i just...disappointing people and knowing that i've done so hurts me so badly. but at the same time i've been disappointed by so many things and so many people in life too.

stephani, if you read this, i'm sorry. i don't really even know how to phrase anything. i know it's not okay and well, i don't even know what to type here. i just hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship because you are SERIOUSLY my best friend. i think it pissed will off when i said that the other day, but it's true.

i guess this is the end.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prude's Eye View

Ah my little play on words it was cute right? Okay maybe not. But still this is my take on everything.
I don't give a flying fuck if you have sex, if you drink or smoke or do any of that. But you do drugs and I am so disappointed in you. Like all my friends know this. Ashley texted me earlier and said she knew it made me mad but it doesn't make me mad it disappoints me. Seriously do you have nothing better to do in life than to waste your brain cells on a euphoria that lasts for only a few hours yet effects your life forever.
I think my main reason for being this way is I've seen what drugs do to people since I was in the (third) grade. My step-mother is a crack addict whore. And yes I say stuff like that about other people but when I say it about her I mean it. Cause she is. I never saw my step-mother doing drugs but she was in and out of jail and rehab from a very early age in my life. She had my half-brother in rehab, he was half addicted to crack and he had to have medication for at least a year to help with his immune system. Hell right now she is in Florida(i think) in rehab. Or that's where she is suppose to be.
Then there is the fact that the part of time I lived in growing up with my mom was drug filled. It was a rare day when someone wasn't arrested, fought, killed, shot or stabbed over a drug deal gone bad. Almost all of my friends in high school at one point or another tried drugs and I can honestly say that I never did. And if I can get away with it I never will. I had the friends who would sit there and ask me time after time to go smoke with them and I knew and wouldn't go. Even at 17 in a different state I have people here asking me, after knowing me for a month or two, to go smoke with them, and telling me about how they were in a gang and did crack and this and that. I don't give a fuck. I don't like talking about drugs okay? I get told by one of the girls I used to work with that I 'straight up smoke'. No bitch I don't I unlike most of the rest of the world want to be able to remember my life and not have it be filled with a fog or of me shoving my face, cause I do that enough as is.
Yes I smoke cigarettes I have since I was twelve, but at the same time I am quitting. It's not that I don't like smoking I do, but I work with the people who have been smoking for basically their whole life and they can barely breath. I don't want that.
Drinking is a semi-sore subject with me. Yes I have had some funny drunken moments other drunken moments have been not so funny and a bit more painful. I've been beaten to a point of almost death when I was sober and my at the time boyfriend was drunk beyond belief. I do drink, I admit that I mean beer and vodka and shit is just good. But I'm not going to sit there and force it on you or get so shit faced that I don't know what I am doing. I make sure I know what I am doing, because I can't afford to have anything else happen to me, not after all the other shit that has happened.
Two more subjects than I will stop this rant I suppose.
Sex, okay I don't give a living fuck who you sleep with how many times you slept with them where it happened none of that shit. So please stop telling me the details of your love life. I mean I don't mind if you talk about a boyfriend or girlfriend problem with me. But if that problem is that your boyfriend isn't pleasuring you like he used too or he gave you crabs or some bull shit like that. It's not my problem I don't give a living fuck. You know why I don't care? Cause I'm not getting any myself. So yea stfu. Last boy that I slept with died because some boy was jealous of my boyfriend talking to "his girl." Like I said STFU. ugh.
Last subject.
Jealousy (it's a disease bitch) you know what if you are gonna have a fucking heart attack cause your boyfriend is talking with me, or some girl is talking to your boyfriend or your boyfriend went out and didn't tell you there seems to be a problem here. And it's not that your boyfriend and you are having problems it's you are jealous okay? I hate jealousy you know why it kills innocent people. I got a phone call at fucking 5 AM telling me that my boyfriend of four years was murdered. It wasn't until almost three months later, after I was told that I couldn't go to his funeral in California, that his cousins, who are my best friends, told me that he was killed cause he picked up a girls books and then walked her to class. Yea you heard me that is what happened. The girls boyfriend found out and got pissed off at my boyfriend so that night when my boyfriend got up in the mess hall of the college that boy went up to his plate and 'dropped' a roll on his plate. I know what is so bad about this? He rubbed the roll all over Jamie's plate all over his food. Doesn't seem that bad right? It is that bad when you have an allergy to wheat. Not even twelve hours later he was dead. So jealousy is a bitch and so am I.
This is the 'prude's eye view.'


i have no idea

to be honest, i really have no idea why i'm writing this. i mean it's kind of stupid really and i may not want everyone to read it, but at the same time maybe it should be read. all of a sudden i've just got this intense feeling in my chest and i'm hoping that maybe if i write this it'll go away.

so here it is...hahaha i'm so lame.

i've never really been a "bad kid." i was the daughter and granddaughter in the family that was probably expected to be great. that's not to say i never got in any trouble, but it was usually minor compared to that of my cousins and even sister.

in my senior year at high school, things secretly began to change. i went out with friends more and ultimately did a lot of things that i will never regret, but should have thought about more before i did them. you've all heard my stories about me and drinking, so i'll spare you the details of all of it.

it wasn't just drinking though. one night at my friend's house there was pot, and i was offered to try it. i could have said no and nobody would have thought any less of me. my friends aren't the type to push things on anyone. but i did try it. the effect was amazing. it was me, but enhanced. things were funnier, everyone was happy, and the coolest thing was the numbing sensation in my mouth. i sat there for an hour (or maybe two minutes...time has a funny way of screwing with your head when you're hight) and bit the inside of my mouth, just because it would tingle and not hurt.

of course they say what happens the first time you smoke pot affects how you'll react to it, so maybe that's why i mess with people and try to freak them out. it was all they did to my friend timmy because they knew he got paranoid. but maybe it's just who you're with, because several other times i was with isiah and we could just chill and talk. i don't know.

the whole party and get high stage didn't really last long. it started senior year, picked up majorly after graduation, and then just slacked off. i didn't really even think about it much, or miss it. it was a period of fun i had in my life, but i thought it was over.

and then last week will offered me some pot. i talked to stephani about it and i was really unsure if i wanted to smoke it or not. did i want to ruin the record i had going for me? will really wanted me to because it was his "birthday" (it was the day after) so i did. again, i know i didn't have to.

that night was one of the most fun nights i've had in a really long time. maybe it was because i knew i shouldn't be doing that, or maybe it was because i was actually out with people, i don't know. but i was extremely happy to just BE.

i hadn't really thought about smoking again until earlier today, and then it just hit me like a truck. i want to again. i don't need to, i want to. maybe i need to, i don't know. it's fucking retarded.

i wrote all of this with no idea what the purpose is. i just don't want to really go down the road i went last time when i drank so much i couldn't remember the last half of the night. i'm cool with drinking, but i haven't since that party last year (except for maybe a sip or two). i don't want one thing to lead into another. i've already started smoking, which is something i didn't think i'd ever do.

holy crap, i'm a loser.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jaylor (Joe's deleted blog!)

"To Our Fans from Joe, Kevin and Nick:

It is our normal rule to avoid talking about our private lives. It seems that it has come to the point where we must address a few things. We would prefer to address these things and then leave it alone from that point forward.

We felt like it was important to respond because recent events have affected our fans. It is important to us as artists and brothers to enlighten regarding this situation. Our fans are the most important thing to us.

There are rumors and suggestions that are being publicized in the press right now about us. Like all people our age we are trying to find someone special that we can share time with in our busy lives. We all have busy schedules and high demands. We love our life and are thankful for all that we have. We are simply stating that it is difficult to maintain relationships with the kind of life we live.

We love our fans and it is important to us to protect that relationship.

To Our Fans from Joe:

This blog is not an attack of anyone. Anytime you are in a relationship for any length of time there are going to be issues. Sometimes they resolve. Other times they lead to a change of heart. This was the case recently.

Several things I will state with all my heart…

I never cheated on a girlfriend. It might make someone feel better to assume or imply I have been unfaithful but it is simply not true. Maybe there were reasons for a breakup. Maybe the heart moved on. Perhaps feelings changed. I am truly saddened that anything would potentially cause you to think less of me.

For those who have expressed concern over the "27 second" phone call. I called to discuss feelings with the other person. Those feelings were obviously not well received. I did not end the conversation. Someone else did. Phone calls can only last as long as the person on the other end of the line is willing to talk. A phone call can be pretty short when someone else ends the call. The only difference in this conversation was that I shared something the other person did not want to hear.

There were later attempts at communication that had no response.

I wish the best for the other person but could not sit back any longer and leave our fans with a wrong impression of the truth.

Hope this helps enlighten a little.

We love you and miss you

Joe, Kevin and Nick"

I'll admit Joe's actions might have been bitchy, calling her to basically break up call it discuss feelings Joe but you BROKE UP WITH HER over the phone. I mean yea that is bitchy. But Taylor fighting back with her "look this one even comes with it's own phone to break up with other dolls." was just as bitchy.
Joe has the balls Nick didn't have when Miley came out about their relationship. Nice to know that their is one Jonas Brother who has balls and the ability to stand up for himself.
Even Kevin who was caught kissing Danielle didn't fess up. ADMIT IT FUCKERS.
thank you for fighting back Joe :)
even if you did end up deleting it.


Monday, November 10, 2008

"home is where the heart is."

Home is where the heart is,
where the body lies,
where your love lives.
But what happens when my heart isn't in my home, my body lies in a place i'm only slightly happy with and my love is either dead or across the country. (Jamie is dead Ryan actually lives in New Mexico he is just visiting right now *sad strawberry*) I mean I guess I understand why people say that but if it's a lie why let it spew from your mouth?
My big brother Ben & I are going to go "home" to Virginia/North Carolina in late December to early January. I mean I am excited to go, I haven't seen my family/friends since i graduated( except the few people i saw at my cousins wedding in September) and I really do miss a ton of them. I mean after six months I am more than eager to see Nikki, Kara, & Jr (three of my sibings) but not so eager to see Scott, Jesse, Scott's family, or my mom (stepdad, stepsister,mom,stepfamily). And I can't wait to see some of my best friends China, Chelsie, Mary, Leah, Amanda, Sean, all them. But I don't want to see my family.
It sounds stupid but it's true.
And by the time I get back from VA/NC Ryan will be back in New Mexico, to spend some time with his family before going (back) to Georgia for college. And truthfully I want to spend as much time with Ryan as I can, however I know if I don't go see those people now it will be forever and a day til I see them, and I do mean that because I won't be able to go again til probably June. And then I have armsac in July.
I don't know life just is odd right now.
I'm getting a new phone on Wednesday.
(happy tomato)

bop bop bop bop to the top



tonight was tons of fun.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

label my heart, label my life, just don't label me.

I have this label in hand all ready to place baby,
just stick in on my heart and let the world see.
Cause the words read, property of me.

I am in fact a huge sap.
I have this boy who I enjoy talking to and well he makes my heart flutter in a simple way.
ugh he is amazing, he is actually one of my best friends ever. And I do mean that.
I knew the boy from the time I first lived in CT (i was born in CT). And he's always been my friend. He moved away a couple of years ago :( but he's back!
His name is Ryan, Ryan Alyn Davy. He's amazing to say the very least. I actually dated him before but no one knew that.
It was right before he moved ugh I was so mad when he moved.
But yea Ry is amazing, he's tall, dark & handsome... hahah cause that is all I care about right?
But seriously, he is funny and sweet and caring. He always opens my door for me and pulls out my chair. He buys me coffee and stuff like that, cause he wants to.
I don't know Ryan was my favorite person for the longest time and he moved and I hated him and his brothers, there are four of them all about six feet blond hair blue eyes gorgeous, but I didn't hate his sister. Tara will always be my friend no matter what she does.
I don't know my heart it just soars when he is around.
Baby this label wouldn't fade away
Cause I know we are both here to stay
Baby I just want to say
I love you forever and always.


P.S. but not as as me. I am

where oh where have all my friendlies gone?

hahah it's like steph and i are the only people who use this blog. boo, armsac, boo. you don't even get capitalized.

my stomach hurts. today i'm hanging out with will starting at around 5. i'm technically grounded, but my stepdad will be thinking i'm going to work so it's all good.

i'm kind of antsy about today. i want to see will because yesterday was his birthday, but then i don't.

he sent me an email telling me he had some...stuff. (stuff ricky wanted crystal to do...if you can't follow where i'm going with this you're an idiot. :)) now there was a time when that would have been awesome and cool, but i'm just kind of over it.

it's so funny to see will doing this stuff because he used to message me and call and tell me off for partying and all the crap i did, yet now he's worse at it than i ever was. i don't really want to do that today, but i don't know how to tell him.

i mean it's his birthday celebration. i should do what he wants.

i dunno.

so i just have an antsy feeling in my stomach.

i'm a bad friend.

Friday, November 7, 2008

*Editting My Life*

Unlike all the other things I do one thing that I can not edit it my life. If I could edit my life I would go back and do a few things again. I would tell my ex-boyfriend [who I dated for almost *five* years] just how much I loved him and would miss him that last time he left (especially since I never saw him alive again). I would fight back when that other boy {also an ex-boyfriend} would beat me. But that's just one of those things I can't do, unlike a picture, a story, a blog post, an email or a friendship[mainly with ashley and me and our 'it never happened'] I can't edit what happens.
I thought of this as I edited a picture of myself, I have a habit of editing pictures of myself and others cause well I think it's fun. And then I edit my works by reading them over and over and over and most likely changing what I wrote because I feel like whatever I did is 'not worthy'.
Editing my life is like editing my feelings, beliefs, rights. I can't do it.I am what I am. Life is only this bad for a while.



stephani and i fight and hate each other and then ten minutes later it's okay.

that's just how we roll. i don't like it sometimes, and it legit hurts my feelings sometimes, but we get over it, move on, love each other and then hate each other again.

she's my best friend, seriously. i love all of the ARMSAC girls but stephers is just my best friend. i don't really know why.


anyway, i made this post to let you girlies know that i have created something.

creative something i have...created?

whatever, i'm not good at yoda speak.

we now have....


well, we also have an official ARMSAC email address, but duh.


our official channel is...


i figured we could repost our creeper videos here, as well as anything we do specifically for ARMSAC.

passwords to the email and youtube will be on the jonas forum. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm a Blog Hog. But What Can I Say. I Do Nothing All Day.

Okay so there might not have been a vote, but it is decided.
I am a blog hog... okay there was a vote about that part.
And I'm way to mean to my friends.
I was so ugh mean to Ashley tonight.
And I don't really know why.
I mean Ashley and I get along.
Hell she is my best friend for reals.
But we have that relationship where we are omg i love you, one second and then fucking betch i hate you the next.
Okay so that cursing is mainly me.
But yea it all started tonight when Ashley and I got 'divorced' and had Mel separate everything including out friends inbetween us.
Which led to a fight and me 'defriending' them.
Of course life five seconds later I started talking to them again.
And then Ashley called me and then Mel and then Crystal(who grabbed Ricky at times also)
And it was all fine it was a normal chat, Ash & I dominated.
I joked on her, called her a hick like three times.
(okay like a hundred)
but it was all normal truthfully.
And then suddenly it all went sour.
I don't even know what happened.
But my phone got muted.
And I stopped talking to Crys, and Ash.
And then it was like ugh bitch.
Whatever bye.
And Ashley hung up.
And I am a stupid bitch.
I admit that... okay the bitch part i'm not stupid.
But I was like purposefully hurting Ashley tonight.
And I don't quiet know why.
Sorry girlie.

(from a sad)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's that smell? That is the smell of Love.

... Well then Love smell like shit...
Ah work, what would I do without my job, without the customers, without my friends who come into work just to bug the shit out of me because they know I am two milliseconds away from saying fuck this I quit.
Some of you might think I'm kidding. Well I'm not. My job sucks some major ballage. Yea I just said that it's true it does. But I can tell you one thing that is for sure.
I Will
NOT be Thirty(or older) and STILL serving coffee to bastards who piss me off daily.
No offense to my coworkers who are above thirty, some above forty and doing just that but I have the chance to escape from that bull shit. I'm sorry I'm not going to be stuck at a job that when my house burns to the ground doesn't give a shit and still makes me pay for everything. the day after my house burned down. I seriously could not believe that my boss did that to her. The manager, who I love like she is my older sister, charged the assistant manager, who I love like she is my family & friend, full price for three coffees the morning after her house burned down. How the FUCK do you do that to someone.
So yes I shall move on past Dunkin Donuts, it might not be today (okay it isn't today.) or tomorrow(that might happen) or the next day(oh even more likely) or the next(as time goes on I hate it there more). But I will get away from that pit hole that is called DD. I mean seriously its a cool first job, but when people who need the job to support their child(one of my friends) get fired cause their kid is sick, or when people who are higher level employees (another friend) get fired cause they are in the hospital. It's straight bullshit.
I have an awesome Dunkin Donuts family I admit that and I'm pretty sure without some of those people my life would suck majorly. I don't know I mean without them I would still have the people I have such as ARMSAC, and all that jazz, but I wouldn't have people who I could hang out with where I live. I wouldn't have the chance to hang out with a gorgeous nineteen month old, and have her love me and to lvoe her. I wouldn't have the friends who accept my shopping addiction, it's mild I promise. I wouldn't have had the chance to see the band that caused me to be friends with everyone, the jonas brothers. I wouldn't have the chance to see the country, even if I did get lost in Oh-Hi-Ho! I wouldn't have half the shit I have.
Love is in the air, and it doesn't smell like shit right now, infact this very second it smells very sweet. Fuck.
I don't think that this blog had a real reason for being posted, well this post of it other than I wanted to post so I did. Suck it mother fuckers I do what I want and you can take your cotton picking ass away from me if you have a problem with that.
& Before you ask I am not RACIST. Fuck you. I mean seriously if you understood anything you would understand I AM NOT RACIST. Ugh. Someone fucking bugged me one day telling me that line of bull shit.
"I can't believe you just called her a dirty mexican and told her to go back to making you burritos you fucking racist."
UM Please. My best friend from VA, Andrea is Putero Rican and I always call her a Mexican she calls me a chink it's fucking even. Mainly cause people call us both Mexicans at first and then it just became our little inside joke.
Next we have my best friend from work, Kattie she's African American and I call her Niggs, it's okay she is very loud and open and shit plus she makes jokes about me being asian so what the fuck ever.
Next my best friend EVER Chelsie, she's whiter than casper the friendly ghost and she knows it and accepts it. I love the girl she is my best friend.
Then we have the JB BFF (Ash, Mel & Crys) They know me well a freaking nuff by now I think, if not well then I'm sorry. Just ask Crystal when I went to visit her I made a few jokes about Asians but hello I'm asian so I was dissing myself. But No I am not racist against Asians either, and I do mean that if I was I would be disgusted by my family and I am not. We rock, we rock on.
Idk how but this turned into an 'I'm not a racist rant'
Oh well that is just how I roll.

Random side note :one of my friends Mary was pictured wearing a Frankie Jonas t-shirt.
I have the same shirt.
We must be dating!
Or not.


Saturday, November 1, 2008


I feel like I am neglecting a baby by not posting on this thing like regularly. I mean when it started I posted once a day, or twice depending on the mood of the day but ugh it's been what four days? I feel bad. Which is wrong cause well I mean four days isn't a long time. My other blog goes miles without being posted on.
Okay *headdesk* is a Ren thing. It comes out often if us girls are involved and truthfully all have used it once or twice I'm sure. I know I have.
Let's see, let's see what has happened in the past four days.
I broke my digital camera.
Bought a new digital camera.
Bought another digital camera, for my friend.
Worked, got paid :D.
Dressed up like a Fairy Princess and went to work, even though I didn't work.
Went Trick or Treating.
And Worked.
Yupp that is pretty much my life.
Besides like five stops to Wal-mart.
& a lot of text messaging.
...Shit I need to put gas in my car.
Oh & I started my two new online classes :)
I'm excited.
College is passing quickly this way!
I miss talking to the ARMSAC girls.
Us SAM girls
(Stephani, Ashley, Melissa)
are writing a joint fan fiction together.
I wrote a one shot.
I read a shit load of shit about twilight.
Um. That's pretty much what has happened.
Besides my boss going total creeper on me and these three other girls.
And inviting us to lunch of Thursday.
Cause you know when you work at Dunkin Donuts it's completely normal for bosses to invite their employee's to a different Dunkin Donuts for lunch.

Random side facts:
Ashley has never had Dunkin Donuts!
I know it's scary.
Crystal & I have never had Red Bull.
Okay so I had a sip...once...and then I threw the can back at Alex's head.

I should be going to sleep after all work in 8 hours.
Oh but we turn the clocks back so make that nine.
My cat is attacking me.
I will keel a nigg.

xoxo (for now)