Tuesday, March 31, 2009


hahah it doesn't have to do with you guys, in fact i've told crystal already it's my job and it's bothering me. I have a headache the size kentucky and i feel like crap. I need to quit and find a better job, but how can i when no where is hiring. Or if they are i'm not old enough, not experienced enough, not anything enough, especially not 'normal' enough.



Monday, March 30, 2009


We for real need to make a crapload of videos this summer. Including some awesome ones for Renneh haha.

Just stating the obvious cause I haven't posted in a while. =]

14 weeks to go?

Saturday, March 28, 2009


i'll compromise.

instead of doing the armsac rap i propose we made a video remake of "the pointy hat song" by the webee boys.

(look at my blog post a few down. the video is there.)

can we?

Friday, March 27, 2009


i've been in a really weird sort of mood lately. it's like the world is going along and aging and such, and i'm just stuck in the same sort of mindset i've had for years.

i don't know if i'll ever grow up. part of me doesn't want to grow up, but at the same time i know that i can't be a kid forever. i'm twenty years old with no real goal in life. yeah there are things i want to do, and things i'd like to do, but they're not getting done.

it's pretty sad when the only thing you're actively planning in your life is a trip to see your friends.

don't get me wrong, i love it and i can't wait for everything that's going to happen and meeting you guys will be the highlight of my life, but at twenty i should be doing so much more than just wasting my life away in front of a computer, worrying about what the jonas brothers or doing, or watching hannah montana.

i should be in school. i should be an adult. at the very least i should have a job.

instead i'm just killing time doing nothing. i'm gonna go down in people's memories as "that adult who spent all of her time worried about disney stars."

i can't do that anymore. i have to grow up, and i'm gonna start now.

it's not a sudden thing, so don't think that. i've honestly thought about it a lot before, but now i'm taking a stand and being forceful with myself.

i'm grateful for the jonas brothers. they have some great music and they inspired me to write (a feat that i'm still marvelling about), not to mention they allowed me to meet the greatest people in the world and have them as my friends.

but other than that i'm over it.

i think i've been over it and over them for a while, but i wasn't sure if i could let them go.

i'm going to, whether i can or not.

so nick jonas, you're hot and amazingly talented, but it's just not gonna work out. sorry.

new screen name.

i got a new screen name for aim simply because i wanted one.

and i don't like blocking people when i don't want to talk to them so just getting a new screen name works. :)

add it. love it.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am quickly finding that the way other people perceive is quite obviously different from what I think of myself and even what I believe others think of me.

In those funny little group pictures that are flooding Facebook, I was labeled as "The Sheltered One". I won't lie. At first, I was really kind of taken aback....even offended, maybe. 

I understand that I'm the youngest of the group. Still not eligible for a driver's license, I'm the baby. Yes, I'm still obligated to listen to my parents. And I live in a small, little bubble of a resort town. 

I was angry at first because, in my mind, sheltered is a pretty good synonym for naive. And I don't consider myself naive. I may be young, but I'm not stupid. Because the first thing that crossed my mind was...I'm young, so that means that I'm sheltered...what...I haven't had to consider pain and hurt even if I haven't lived as long?

Maybe I don't act like the stereotypical "troubled soul". Just because I don't talk about the ugly side of this world doesn't mean that I don't know it exists. I've had my share of problems. And I've seen a good bit in fourteen years.

Everyday, I live knowing that I have a mother who is mentally ill and will never be normal. If the fact that they work around the clock isn't enough, they spend their time around people who are either slowly or surely dying. My mother has this to deal with on top of bipolar disorder. I spent an hour this morning scraping dried pancake batter and eggs off of dishes because my mother was going through one of her down phases and just doesn't feel like doing anything. This week, I've done the grocery shopping, a good bit of the cooking, and tried to make sure that my brother, seven years old, is getting three meals a day.

She was diagnosed after a long spell of bad things happening in our family. First, my grandfather died. He had colon cancer. My mother had issues with her father that will now remain forever unsolved. Three weeks after the funeral, my grandmother was diagnosed with leukemia. My entire life, I had only seen her take care of other grandfather, helping to raise me. We spent weeks back and forth from Atlanta, five hours away, as she was at Emory having treatments. 

And after that, I never saw my mother. She stayed in bed all the time, sleeping, or just lying there. I never saw her. By this point, we were spending pretty much all our time at my grandma's house. Then, one day, my dad took me by our house and told me to get a trash bag of clothes because I would be staying with my aunt. Then, my parents pretty much disappeared off the face of my earth for over a month. I was eight years old. I saw my dad...maybe once a week. I might have talked to my mother over the phone once.

So, everything starts going back to normal when my mom gets out of the hospital....where I figured out she was only after piecing together what people considered me old enough to hear and what I overheard. I still don't think I know the whole story.

When she got out, I felt like I should try to spend more time with my mom. I quit piano. And a few months after she got better, my parents separated. My mom got her own apartment. My brother was maybe two by this time. I was back and forth between my mom and dad's places, my dad in our old house, my mom in an apartment complex. They were divorced by the time I was in fourth grade.

Then, they got back together a year later when my mom moved back into the house. They were remarried by a pastor at our house on Christmas Eve when I was in sixth grade. 

That's how I grew up...this is how I remember my childhood. And honestly, it's all a blur. Everything blurs and runs together and I don't remember anything except for what happened....I don't remember the when or the how. And now I may show up to church every Sunday, and I love being there. It wasn't until I was in middle school....seventh grade that I even considered God to be a part of my life. I didn't show up for church, Sunday school...really at all, maybe, possibly on Easter and Christmas a couple of years. 

My dad has almost as much baggage as my mom. He chose his profession because he felt guilty after his parents died and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. His mother died when he was fourteen and his father when he was nineteen. And it permanently shaped him. And he still hasn't gotten over it. He made a decision too early, and now he hates what he does. As soon as he gets home, he starts dreading going in the next day. It's made him cynical and so hard to watch.

These are the people I love. And I don't care if I wasn't the one in that hospital bed or going into's still shaped me. I live with these people. They're my family.

And then, there's me and all of my issues.

I have self-esteem issues. Like you'd never know. I used to cut myself a long time ago. I stopped when I started going to church and started caring about God. It made me pull myself out of my own self-destructive behavior. But there were times I wondered what if about suicide, even. I've gotten better. I definitely don't think that way anymore. But I still have more problems with myself than what's healthy. My first reaction to every situation is to assume that I've done something wrong, I could've done better, or that I'm just not good enough. And I'm trying so hard to stop it. I don't like being that way. And I've made progress.

For years, I had friends. Really, really close friends...we were tight knit. But as I've found out, it's not what was right. Because I finally started making progress on my own, standing up for what I know is right, I stood up for myself. When I did that, I lost all my friends. The people that I'm stuck spending eight hours a day, five days a week with, they consider me a walking reference book. I don't have friends. I don't eat lunch anymore. I hide in the music room on Tuesdays and Thursdays and dive into singing when there's chorus on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  When I'm at school, and I'm around the people who have friends who are supportive and caring and forgiving, I feel like a shadow of a person because I don't have that. It's plaguing to be asked in Sunday school to think of the person who's your best friend, that you think of at least once a day, and just to say that there isn't someone like that that you sit beside in class and eat lunch with. Because even though I've established my core values, I still feel like I just don't measure up. 

I know I live in a small affluent area. I have parents with good jobs. Just for the record, it's also a job that keeps me from having a family that I ever talk to or see on a regular basis. My parents are so tired at the end of the day, they go to their room, and they don't care much for interaction. They've had to deal with the infirmed and crazy all day. 

But I have seen more of this world than this little island. I have. I don't think I'm sheltered. I went to Argentina. You know those kids that you send in a dollar and "adopt"---they send you a picture and you help provide for them. I've seen these kids---not just through a tv screen. I played duck duck goose with these kids, sang songs with them, got to know them. These kids who don't own a single pair of shoes, who can't read, and live in a village, not a town---a village that is dust, all over the place. Dust an inch thick that I doubt they've ever been "clean" as most people in the states would consider it. 

I've seen poverty. I've stood amongst the poor and homeless of even my own area. They're allowed one meal per day...the soup kitchen only serves lunch. A mother came back right as we opened, and then came back two hours later in a different outfit. Why? Because her three year old daughter was still hungry. Do you know what it took from me to look her in the eye and tell her no because that's just the policy? I understand why the policy is in place, but that doesn't make it any easier.

Maybe I'm just being defensive. Maybe I really am naive and sheltered. But I feel like I've had my share of woe for my life this far. I don't dwell on it. 

I want to believe that there is a bigger meaning to all of this beyond me. I believe that there is a God who has all things work for good. Not that everything is good, but it works for a greater good. I do believe that beauty can come from pain. And love can come from hurt. And it's an ugly world out there, but how is that supposed to change if people don't focus on the love and the joy that they can spread? 

I do a bad job, but I try not to complain too much. Because at the end, I'm pretty lucky. And I've had problems, but they've made me a stronger person. And what some people might consider naivety or a lack of knowledge...I consider broad vision. I try to see beyond the problems to see what is good and what can be made good in the world. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We're probably not going to do a second jonas concert.
This is the third blog i've titles so.
We have a wikispace page
idk what it is at this time.
I can't find my guitar.
my family is sick (everyone legit)
there is a very chubby bby on tv...whose dad looks like michael phelps.
i'm eating ribs.
i can barely see when i take my glasses off.
One month and Four days til AP TOUR!!! with Marina.
Bamboozle/epic nj trip the day after lol<3


Rest in Peace
Stephanie Marie Gotz.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
We will see you in eternity.


yes, we will have a rap.

everyone has to write a verse or two of it.

a to the r to the m s a c

We’re crazy and silly but that’s how we be

There’s only one Ashley but she’s got two a’s

But not a sized boobs in case you thought that way

YO get to the point

So Ashley is awesome yeah it’s true

Without her armsac wouldn’t know what to do

She’s smart and funny and laughs really loud

And now here’s where we talk about ren in a cloud.

why am i obsessed with boats?

i'm not really.

but here are my two current favorite songs:

i'm easily amused.

Monday, March 23, 2009

*happy dance*

I'm so excited.
I have two for sure JB concerts as of like five minutes ago.
One is with you girls<3
which means that I am FREAKING EXCITED for that one.
and then
the other is with Sarah, JBF & JonasBug Sarah.
her parents and my grandparents okayed it.
I am so excited!!!!!!



I just realized I title my blogs so alot.




it's someone birthday?
i did not know this.
Happy birthday John Taylor. (yesterday)
Jonas tickets go on sale today :)
that is exciting.
i'm buying for me, ash, crystal and mel for one show
and then another.
um. nothing exciting going on really.
Oh yea &
Happy Birthday Crystal (you elderly woman you)

Monday, March 16, 2009


okay so i was looking over some of the older blog posts.
and i happened to stumble upon something.
Stephani...go back and look at the ones posted on January 15th.
YOU called yourself a blog whore.
so you can't go holding the fact that i accidently called you one against me.
and now i'm done.
i just felt the need to point that out as soon as i noticed it.
love you chica.

probably the last blog for a while, if not forever from me

i don't understand it, he was suppose to make me feel better. he was suppose to help.
in the end we fought and now he just doesn't want to talk to me or even to quote him here.
If you don't stop, then I would not be expecting me to talk to you or come in July.

fuck, that is not what I want at all. I've been crying for the past hour and a half since he said that. I don't know I mean I love you guys, and I love him but I obviously can't talk to people, because they hate me in the end.
if this is my last post forever. i'm sorry i did what i was sure i wasn't going to do.
I didn't want to hurt anyone like i had been hurt but i might be there now.

you can try to talk to me. i probably won't answer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm going to be completely honest when I say that I honestly wasn't that excited for the world tour for a while. I haven't seen the 3D movie. I was running out of comic ideas.
I really didn't care all that much.
And it was sad, but life went on. I was focused on school and work and trying to have a social life while dealing with a letter that had the same effect as a trainwreck on my plans for the future. But then I got a week off to just hang with family and friends, put aside all schoolwork, and realize that things weren't quite as hopeless as they seemed. With all that happening, a boyband kind of took a backseat to life, however big a part of my life they had been for months now.
So how is it that one little chat room window in the corner of my screen, flashing every .3 seconds in that insistent way...could get me so excited for it in the span of about ten minutes?
It definitely helps that I'm going to be meeting most of the girls in the chat room this summer (and still trying to figure out a way to add in the others without parental permission but without doing something criminal), and we already have a ton of plans. It's going to be epic. It's got me more enthusiastic and energetic than I have been in days. It's something of a virtual energy drink. Goodness knows we all get hyper enough in ARMSAC chats...especially someone who shall remain nameless (but if she were to be named, her name would rhyme with Smashley).
It's really nice to be included in these fun plans, even with how distant I've had to be with schoolwork and school in general. And I have a boyband to thank for meeting them. A boyband, a fanfic forum, and some hilarious late-night AIM chats. I'm really honored to be friends with these amazing girls, who are all (no matter how much they may say otherwise) extremely talented, wonderful, beautiful, and hilarious people that I honestly consider like family.

I love you girls. <3


Steph wanted me to post on the blog.
So I did.

The end.


sick to my stomach

i don't know i thought that posting it on here would be a deeper closure than i had before about you know *looks at secrets blog* but it hasn't been. Now i'm freaking out when i sleep more than i was before, opposed to waking up every hour, every half hour, i get sick to my stomach if i think the boys name. infact i feel sick now.


Weeping at the Cross

Mmmkay, so hi, I'm Ren. I haven't posted before. I had a bunch of this huge intro post typed out, but that isn't going to happen. I suppose it's appropriate. You're finding out about me first, before anything else, what the biggest part of me is. I identify myself first and foremost as a Christian. It is so much a part of me that it's a part of everything I do. I've come a long way just listening to all this stuff about God before really really wanting to live as a Christian, not as someone who claims to know about God, but someone who knows him intimately, someone who talks to God and listens to God and wants to live just for God. I want to be that kind of person. But this morning, at church (I do spend a lot of time at church), I was inspired to write for the first time in months. The sermon was on the significance of the cross as a centerpiece of faith. And so this came to be.

Darkness began to lift off the field, dark silhouettes against the horizon even as the light came. A site of shame and humiliation, the lowest of law saw their end in the dirty field. The criminals, the thieves, the traitors, here they lie. The early morning was quiet, and the silence was heavy where the shouts of the people rang out the day before. The sun still rose on this place, this place of infamy where lives were ended.

A woman trudged up the hill in the dawn's light, as she returned to the spot where she stood the day before. Now she stood with different eyes, eyes that saw in place of disbelief, wonder and humility.

In front of her stood a cross.

The field was covered with the; twenty or thirty perched on a hill. Wooden, Roman crosses where only a day before men were slain upon these pieces of carpentry.

She stood in front of one cross that would remain forever in her mind, the face of one man who she could never forget. He hung there, clothing ripped to shreds, wearing a crown of thorns. Torn and bleeding, she had been one of the hecklers, mocking his name. This man, this king, was reduced to nothing but entertainment for the masses.

Everyone had heard of this man, all he had done. He was the supposed King of the Jews, a Messiah, sent by God. No son of God would hang on a cross as he lost his life.

This was all she believed, until she saw the work of his hands...the work of his heart. This man traveled to the ends of the earth, lending his hands to those who could find help nowhere else. He performed miracles, unlike anything the world had seen. Yesterday, she met the followers of this man. the spirit their eyes held was so different from the dullness in the eyes of other men. These eyes were not burdened with the troubles of the world. Even as they lost their master, their teacher, their grief held pieces of joy and purpose.

The words that he had spoken had changed not only these men but many others as well. And not just men were changed. The elderly, women, and children, the sick, the weak, the shunned: all who heard his voice were forever changed.

Now she stood in front of the towering cross. The wood was stained with crimson, splotched with darkness. These were the places where his blood had seeped into the grain of the wood. Marks were left where he was nailed to the wood, his feet and hands. This man was the one on earth who did not deserve this fate of his, one of pain and grief and of sorrow. His life and been spotless and pristine. He had lived without sin or error, even in persecution and in the slandering of God himself. He came to save this world...a world that rejected him all too readily, a world in need. 

She knelt in front of the cross. She clung to the cross, weeping on the ground. As she knelt to the ground, her face touched the dirt, and her cheeks were smudged with soil. Her tears pooled on the ground. Each tear she cried was a piece of the brokenness, her heart...shattered to pieces, falling to the ground helplessly. As the met in a fresh pool on the earth, she was healed, mended by this man, whose life had been the price. The pieces of her heart as tears melded together again. Her heart, once hard as stone, became a living organ of new flesh.

A relief unlike any other touched her soul. She was at peace, fully at peace for the first time. Healing power made her not whole, but a new body with a refreshed soul. So she wept. She wept for the life of the Christ, for her own sins and her doubts, for the silent cries of a world in desperate need of the savior whom had been neglected. An earth once only dark and desperate was once again the unique work of God himself as the sun reached its height in the sky, casting a shadow across the ground. This shadow carried the darkness, the trouble, and the helplessness, and it would be the symbol of a revolution.

Friday, March 13, 2009

100 posts

Okay this is post 100. When we first started this blog I was sure it was just going to be Ashley and Me, no one else would blog. But now we have Crystal, Megan and Ren also. Of course Ren hasn't finished her first blog post(it's saved lol) and Megan hasn't posted at all but STILL! it's something. And can I just say that counting this post 52 of the blog posts are mine. I'm a freaking blog HOG. not a blog WHORE which is what Crystal called me the other day.
July is approaching quickly, we are going to a jb concert!
1. AP tour(april 30)
2. Hoodwink(May1)
3. Bamboozle(may2&3)
4. JB(july17[andanother?])
5.Warped tour(July...20[iforget])
6. Taylor Swift(august...28?[againiforget])

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

those were the days

I hijaked crystal's blog :)
she'll never suspect it.
she thinks i'm going for ashley lol :)


This is going to be extremely random

Rainbow Brite hair.
Heart on.
Hard On.
flying bumpers.
Miles to barf.
left sided ideals.
broken bones.
caution enter at your own risk.


JB's Important Tour Dates(the ones that mean stuff to us!)

Jul 13 2009 8:00P
Verizon Center Washington, DC
Jul 14 2009 8:00P
IZOD Center East Rutherford, New Jersey
Jul 17 2009 8:00P
Banknorth Garden Boston, Massachusetts
Jul 20 2009 8:00P
Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York
Jul 24 2009 8:00P
Wachovia Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jul 25 2009 8:00P
Mellon Arena Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jul 26 2009 8:00P
Palace Of Auburn Hills Detroit, Michigan
Jul 28 2009 8:00P
Scottrade Center St. Louis, Missouri
Jul 29 2009 8:00P
Sprint Center Kansas City, Missouri
Aug 15 2009 8:00P
New Orleans Arena New Orleans, Louisiana
So who wants to go to a Jonas Concert?
Oh & armsac jb concert july 17?<3

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I've had so many mixed reactions from people since I posted the below blog. And I'll tell you all right out, right now. I don't want you to be sorry for me. My life is shit, my life has been shit, my life will always be shit. I admit that I am fine with that. And if you want to be sorry for me, remember those people who have it worse than I do, fell sorry for them.
I didn't post this for you all to basically wallow in my misery. I just I needed to get it off my chest. I got pregnant twice at 16. Once was with a boy I love, loved will always love. The other with a boy who raped me and then beat his own child to death. I miscarried the babies, little people who deserved to live. But I don't want you to be sorry for me. I just needed to let it out. I've lived with this for two years. I don't want to live with it anymore.


I'm positive that every single one of us in the world, not only on this blog have secrets. I know it. I mean I was just on Open Up Through Secrets on Facebook. And this one girls secret really got to me. It said 'I've been raped twice. I've been pregnant twice. and I think about suicide more than a 16 year old should.'
I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you. But I think I should tell you girls what happened to me. It's actually really funny if you ask me how I can act so fucking sexual one second. And the next so calm and composed and scared. It seems funny saying that at 18 I'm scared of sex. Because I'm actually not I'm scared of what will happen. Just based on my life so far. And this is where we hit the secret part.
When I was sixteen I found out I was pregnant with Jamie's child. And when I say I was sixteen I mean I found out right after I turned 16(January 16). I was happy, he was happy, we hadn't told my parents just because it would ruin my life. He was twenty I was sixteen. Illegal. Almost four months along and I was barely showing, mainly because I didn't eat right from sixth grade to now. Then I got the call, Jamie died. And I put myself through too much stuff. I didn't eat. I just cried. I didn't even sleep. I went to school as a zombie. Still no one knew. And then one day it happened. I woke up to blood covering my sheets. I freaked out. And I still didn't tell anyone. It didn't take much for me to figure it out. I miscarried. I went to Jamie's mom's house to be sure, she was a nurse. I tried to kill myself five times that week. I didn't think about it I tried. I swallowed pills, brought a knife to my skin, tried to strangle myself. But every time one of his family members stopped me, found me or saved me. The pills just didn't work, and I guess I'm glad about that. The knife wound was sewn up and never mentioned again. The marks around my neck stayed for a good week but I was always wearing scarfs. I thank them for saving me. But at the same time I wish they had let me die.
Then I met a jerk. This jerk doesn't have a name, he doesn't deserve one. He treated me like fucking shit (which is why he's the jerk of the story). Treating me like shit including raping me. I hated him even more for that. Because yes I hated him for how he treated me. But the fact that he did that was even worse in my opinion. Well six weeks later that fucking stick ruined my life again. Pregnant. I didn't want to tell him but finding me slumped over the toilet three times in a week gave it away. He grabbed my hair, ripping pieces of it out and slammed me up against the wall. I remember his words because I hated him for them more than he ever said to me before.
"You fucking whore. You got pregnant on purpose so that I couldn't leave you."
I wanted to laugh in his face. Clearly I got pregnant so the abusive fuck who raped me wouldn't leave me. I laughed in his face, knowing it wouldn't be good whatever he had planned. And I was right. He beat me so I couldn't move. And then just because he's a bastard he kicked my stomach. Killing his child. I never thought I would cry because of that bastard. But I did right then and there. Because it hurt, because it was a person, because I might not have loved that baby to the fullest but someone would have. I was only ten weeks pregnant but still. It was a baby. I tried to kill myself then, actually I had hoped he would kill me. But no such luck. Jerk is living somewhere else, away from me. I have people who protect me if needed.
That is my secret, which isn't really a secret anymore. Just don't tell please, at least not my family.

Stephani (is sinful)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Life is seemingly nack to normal in my house. There is screaming, yelling, crying and bitching all before 8 AM.
I'm currently waiting for my brother to go to school (little), my grandfather to leave the house(grocery shopping) so that I can go to the store and buy bleach for my hair. Yea I basically bleached the shit out of my hair yesterday I'll be posting pictures later lol. But part of it is still blackish brown so I'm going and getting a bleach kit and a roots kit. It is going to be so much fun, going into work with WHITE BLOND hair.
Seriously I'll put pictures up here first.
My car is at the mechanics and has been since Monday, when it crashed into a snow bank.
and was impounded by the cops. and brought to the mechanics/impound lot. I am leaking some fluid and i have front end damage from snow.
I basically don't work for three days, today tomorrow and the day after, just based on the fact that on Friday I don't work until 4 PM. which means yes I am closing but by closing I get to basically do nothing the whole time. Only downside the shop doesn't have internet so I can't mess around online all night.
I found Ashley a flight from her to me for a total of 331 dollars. I know she keeps saying that she won't let me pay for it but I mean I have no problem helping her pay for her ticket up here. I just want to be sure that everyone is here! I am still insanely sad that Ren can't come, and she's never finished her blog she stopped at calling me the girl with five colors in her hair which is actually a lie right now i've got four... but still. Idk.

Um my brother leaves for school in 15.
my grandfather will leave right after that.
then it's bleach time :)


Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's only RAPE if he pulls out.

Seriously don't ask me about that title and i do mean that I have no bloody idea at all. But this is going to be a really random blog so I thought it would fit.
New idea for ARMSAC 2009, we could have a paint war one day :) but we are not allowed to team up against Ashley cause that is mean. And by paint war I mean we buy a bunch of water balloons, or regular balloons lol and then a bunch of paint and then we go to this empty lot by my house and have fun. :)
Um let's see I'm writing a one shot it's almost done. I feel like I haven't written in forever but truthfully I have I just stopped posting it basically.
Um. My grandfather told me I couldn't have food in my room today, I replied with ' well than the cats can't be in my room they have to eat there after all' and i got told to 'move if i don't want to listen to him.' FUCK HIM seriously.
Um that's it for now I think


a word. or a thousand.

basically, for some unexplained reason i've just been feeling that life is rather sucky. i've been living in louisiana since january and i haven't accomplished ANYTHING. my life is going nowhere and i'm beginning to wonder if i even have a future. i'm probably just going to fade into oblivion. and when i die people aren't even gonna care because nobody really knows me at all.

that being said, i don't know why i feel this way. i mean i laugh a lot and i love being here. dylan is one of my favorite people, just because he's so funny. and my grandma makes sure i get to do things i want to do, often at her expense. it just seems that all of this is superficial and not real.

the last time i really blogged i said that will and i were becoming friends again. and yeah, we were, but the very next day he pissed me off again. i hate being lied to and i'm pretty sure he lied hardcore. if not i'm sorry but it just seems unrealistic to me. but what do i know?

and friends in general, i just don't know. i feel like i've withdrawn from everyone and talking just seems weird. i know i have you guys but it just doesn't feel the same to me. i'm not even excited about the meetup anymore, and we all know how i was about it. i know it's not you guys that's making me feel this way, i don't know what it is.

i feel so lost and it's insane because i don't want to feel this way. i want to be myself again.