First of all, I'm going to apologize for my last post. I was stressed and speaking without really thinking.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Shameless Plugging. XD
Posted by Ren at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Story of My Life? It Sucks. The End.
Whatever. I'm over people, just people in general.
Posted by Ren at 8:59 PM 1 comments
it's amazing what two voicemails, a couple of lost connections and a two hour phone conversation can do. any bad feelings or anger i had about the whole armsac thing is pretty much gone. of course i'm still going to worry and freak out, but at least i don't have the feeling of drama or anything like that to deal with.
it's different when you actually hear someone's voice explaining their feelings. i think that's what we should have done forever ago. because i really think steph understands where i'm coming from more and i definitely understand her thoughts better too. we're never going to completely agree on the money situation, and that's okay. but i think we may have found a way to get over it. and that's amazing.
of course there could be another situation or two before july, but getting through this massive hurdle and understanding each other lets me think that we can get through it.
you girls are my best friends. honestly the only friends i have. it would be stupid to possibly lose you over something so little.
woot, jonas in an hour! (psh, so my real purpose for writing. :) hahah )
Posted by Anonymous at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I'm sorry I'm not pretty enough, that I weigh more than you do and my skin isn't crystal clear.
I'm sorry that I curse a lot, it seems like the only way you pay attention is if I do.
I'm sorry that I try to help you, I never had the chance to help before and now that I do I just get in trouble.
I'm sorry that I'm helping your boyfriend cheat, you deserve so much more than him so do I but I'll never have better not since he died.
I'm sorry that I don't understand what your trying to say all the time, I try my hardest but I'm always wrong.
I'm sorry I'm never right, I wish I could say that I did one thing right in my life but I can't.
I'm sorry the pills didn't work, because if they did you wouldn't have to deal with me.
I'm sorry I can cut my skin, because I'm sure that would feel great right now.
I'm sorry I don't sleep with everyone I meet, but I tend not to be a whore no matter what you think.
I'm sorry I'm your friend, I know you'd be better off without me.
I'm sorry I dress like a 'slut', even though I hardly ever show skin and wear no makeup at all.
I'm sorry I embarrass you, I don't mean too it just happens.
I'm sorry you think I don't listen, I do I hear everything you say even when you hear nothing I say.
I'm sorry that I cry when you get mad at me, your the only one who does this to me.
I'm sorry that we never talk like we used to, now it seems like all we do is fight.
I'm sorry I fight with you, I just I can't help it some times.
I'm sorry I ever talked to you, because you obviously don't want to talk to me.
I'm sorry.
(ps I'm sorry but I'm not going to talk until I fix everything.)
Posted by Sinful Stephani at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
It's Been A Long Time.
The AP tour kicked it all off, I was at YALE(never thought I would go there ever) and it was insane. We missed A rocket to the moon, and while I love Nick I was okay with that. We got inside and it was like instant mosh. Insane crazy wicked awesome. We started about halfway through the crowd, and now I hate moshing but dude I managed to get us up to almost the barrier (legit two people in front of us) by the time the last act the Maine came on. That was when I could finally see the bands which is why i got pics :). Afterwards we went to Denny's and hung out with the Maine. (Kennedy is freaking awesome) We go to leave and there is a group of teenies...and Jon Oh in front of my car. So I blasted The Maine as I TORE out of the parking lot. Yea I went like fifty out of the parking lot, blasting the Maine at full volume at 2 AM. :)
Next was a three hour long trip to New Jersey for Bamboozle/ Hoodwinked.
Hoodwinked was probably my favorite day it was tiny but so many of the bands that played were effin epic and amazing at what they did. The best act of the night was Danger Radio for sure. I LOVE Love Love there covers of Britney Spears, they should do an album of them :]. We saw CeeJay from PushPlay. He said hi to us and walked to his mommy & daddy, who were oh right next to us and hugged them and shit. I waved at J.Cook from Forever the Sickest Kids. He waved back and I teenied slightly, Marina didn't see him. Then Singer from The Cab. Came from behind the stage into the crowd now I didn't try and get a picture with him but he smiled and waved at me so I did the same. It was awkward but he is adorable. That was my night.
Bamboozle day one was insane. We arrived and there was a huge line and that is when we see Nate Flynn from Sing It Loud. Marina knew who he was I did not. She like screamed he came over and the exchange between me and him went like this.
"So you have our CD. Do you have our CD?"-Nate to me
"You should buy our CD it's only 5 dollars."-Nate
"Marina should I waste five dollars on..."-Me (he cut me off)
"It's not a waste!"-Nate
"If I WASTE five dollars on your CD will you sign it."-Me
"Of course."-Nate
(I drooled the WHOLE effin time. So glad he didn't notice lol jk :])
Walking around saw a ton of different bands All of Hey Monday walked by us like Three times. Waved and said Hi to Elliot. Basically screamed at Mike. Jersey was just like hiya :) I loved it. Marina never saw any of them but Mike cause she was on the ground. Then I see CeeJay from PushPlay. Which is where that pic of me and him came from. Marina followed him and told him that I was too shy to ask for a picture. Actually I was trying not to admit I was scared he was going to like shake my hand or hug me, Nate Flynn had done both and I hate it when people like touch me. I freak out at the drive thru window at work when people expect me to take money or give them money and I have to touch them. How I'm going to be a teacher idk. But yes we saw CeeJay and got pics and went back. So we had this two hour break inbetween going inside and seeing the first band we really wanted to see so we were sitting on a curb and who walks up but Andrew De Torres the lead singer of Danger Radio. We had like a ten minute converstaion about the weather and I kinda wish that I got a pic with him because he is also in the scene aesthetic. Which is another band I love. So I legit spazzed when I found that out. Then it's 2:03 (random time i know) PM and we are walking over to see Sing it Loud play. Along the way who do we spot other than Nate Flynn who has to be on stage in 12 minutes. He didn't believe us at first, and then when we told him the time and he finally stopped taking pics with everyone and signing autographs he went to the merch booth(we bought merch) and then to the stage. It was insane probably my fave performance of the day. He was insane! I love the band officially and I'm glad I 'wasted' five dollars on their cd. it's on my car playing right now lol. So many great bands preformed that day but we were burnt and annoyed, like legit we had almost an hour between acts at some points and we left before Fall Out Boy, which Marina said was okay until we got back to her grandfather's house and then she was like I wanted to see them. Oh Mi Gawd. Are you kidddddding me? I would have stayed but you didn't want to see anyone for three hours before them and I didn't want to roam around.
Bamboozle day two we didn't go until almost two PM. which yes I know "You Missed Honor Society. Kevin and Danielle were there." Yea well I slept for 13 hours. So suck it. We went from two PM til about 6 PM. We saw a ton of great people. I'm hooked on like half the bands legit. The best part was deff right as we were leaving the lead singer of the band we saw (idk what band it was) screamed and I'm quoting him here "Let go of my nuts." haha that's what you get for looking sexy and crowd surfing. Oh & I met one of my favorite bands Van Atta High (Check them out!!!) and saw the Honor Society/ JB street team people and such. Kat & Janice and... I forget the other one. My B!
Then was Kiss Concert. I met Meg for the first time yeaaa :) we had a ton of fun. We only liked certain bands but it was okay. She got me hooked on the white tie affair and we met them. I have Chris(the lead singer) yea I have his phone number. Sean gave me a penny and I have a ticket for a free date with Tim. My only thing that connects me to Ryan was me telling him "I like your lip ring" and the picture. He kinda laughed when I said that but it's true I have a thing for lip jewerly. Is that how that is spelt I always spell it wrong. So then we went back and hung out saw All American Rejects, 3oh!3, Sean Kingston, and then it was time. I know what your thinking. It was time? Yes it was time time to meet Jesse McCartney *hears angels singing* Hahah I'm dramatic a bit. Sorry. But yea so we go and find Meg's friends in line and get insanely close to the beginning. I made new friends (Paula and Shalin) teenies surrounded us. I felt slightly clausterphobic there legitly. And then there were screams and then ooooooh. It was just Sean Kingston and then more screams, just a security guard playing a trick. There were a group of like ten year olds trying to see Jesse Arrive. We kept coming up with plans on how they could rush Jesse when he did arrive. Go under that thing it's plastic and has a two foot gap at the bottom. Take out the security guard there are like twelve of you and one of him, he doesn't look that tough. Run through that little gap right there and pounce. Those suggestions were ignored by the teenies but not by security guard boy. Evil man there were like six more secuirty guards after the last suggestion. Met Jesse said hi kinda didn't care. I mean he was kinda a douche we asked him to sign something for charity and we got told No. faggot.
SO yea that has been my Month of May. It is going to be insane guys. INSANE :)
Stephani :]
Posted by Sinful Stephani at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Change A Heart Change the World
The title is the song title of a Jump 5 song that I absolutely love. This is a drabble thing that I wrote down in Writing and Grammar a few weeks ago when we had free time because it was just something that I really felt I needed to get down on paper. It has affected me, and I know it affects others, too. I apologize if it's cheesy, or wishful thinking, or anything else that offends or disgusts, but it's what's been on my mind and in my heart lately. It starts of with different song lyrics and then goes into my own original thoughts.
Posted by Ren at 11:20 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dents in My Fender, Rips in My Jeans
I need to get a few things out. Because I've been praying and praying but I feel like I'm not hearing anything yet, and I just need to get some things out.
Posted by Ren at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
well i could...
comment all of these blogs separately but you all know how lazy i am and how unlikely doing all of that would be. :)
but i just want to say how amazed i am. those blogs made me laugh, tear up, smile and generally grow to appreciate all of you more. i can't believe that in a year we've come this far. i can't see my life without you girls in it somehow. i don't even remember how my life was BEFORE you guys.
it's so silly how a website about a boyband brought us all together, but our strengths, weaknesses, and love for each other kept us strong.
whether we're always ARMSAC or not i don't know. but i do know that we'll always be there for each other somehow.
it's not like i have a life without you girls anyway. :)
Posted by Anonymous at 12:18 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Reminisce on Memories
Posted by Mellers at 10:09 PM 1 comments
People Will Forget What You Say, People Will Forget What You Did, But Never How You Made Them Feel
That's a paraphrase of a quote from Maya Angelou.
With everyone sharing their stories, I felt the need to explain everything as well.
I'll be completely honest though. To a certain extent, I really don't remember all the specifics of how I came to be where I am now.
In fact, do you want to know the truth? It's difficult for me to remember what it was like before you were my best friends. And it's been just over a year now, if that could even begin to say what kind of an impact you girls have had on me.
Last year, eighth grade, was kind of a big year for me. Things started shifting, changing, and there was just a different feel from the way things had been before. It wasn't the radical change that has taken place this year, but things were stirring and something was bound to happen.
My best friend moved to the other side of the country. We'd been honest to goodness best friends since fourth grade. I really never even talk to her anymore. I mean, we try, but it's rare, with the time different and we each have our own lives now. But anyway, that was a shock to me. It happened right after school started. When she told us, I guess maybe it didn't register at first. As we discussed it as she visited the lunch table, I told her that I was excited for her and I knew she would love it, and that was very true. But I just didn't grasp the gravity of it somehow. And it was as I retold the story to my dad that I broke down in tears. And that's the best place I know where to start.
Posted by Ren at 9:09 PM 3 comments
My side of the story
I'm going to try my best to remember details here but with my memory...yeah it most likely won't happen. I do know that it was shortly after my 18th birthday. I was bored and had the urge to read Jonas Brothers fanfiction for a few days. I used to read Dream Street...or Jesse McCartney...or Greg Raposo...or stories about some of my favorite TV shows and characters but I hadn't been reading fanfiction all that much anymore. Anyway I decided to search for a site where I could satisy that nagging urge that I had and that's how I found JBF. I don't know if it was the first site that I went to or maybe the third, all I know is that I liked the site so I stayed.
I don't remember the first story I read. I really don't...but whatever it was I must of liked it because I'm pretty sure I just created my account on there to comment on stories. At some point shortly after joining, I started reading Laws and Tale of a Pedophile. I commented on those letting the authors know that I loved the stories. I wasn't expecting to start talking to the writers....let alone become friends with them.
Shortly after my friendship with Ashley and Stephani started, I began reading things from Ren and Melissa. I think the first story of Ren's that I read was...Gardenias...I could be wrong about that though. The first thing of Mel's...I believe it was...I Won't Be Falling. Yet again I could be wrong. But just like with Ash and Steph, I commented letting the authors know how much I loved their stories and writing...and may have thrown in my dislike of Cora and Sean (haha had to check if I had that name right and I did. score one for me).
Conversations on the threads started forming and I thought "These girls are awesome." I think the main reason I got on JBF some days was to see if you all had commented back to something I said, just so I could try and keep the conversations going.
At some point in all of this, I came up with the idea for Who's the Dog. I normally don't write fanfiction...just read...but for some reason I felt compelled to post the prologue for that story. Of course it would usually take me forever to update and that's probably why I never went through with writing fanfic before. I do remember that the opinion of you girls on that story are the ones that mattered most to it made me so happy that both Ash and Mel liked it. Then I started another story but that one is currently dead as well..but I do remember Steph and Spencer "fighting" over Kevin in that thread. A few joint stories were started as well.
I don't even know how I got started with talking to you girls on AIM. I really don't but I do know that I'm happy that I do. It's the only reason I get on there most of the fact I think it's the only reason I got it. Course I don't go on there most days anymore or if I do, it's only for a few moments. I kinda feel like I'm drifting apart and I don't know why I am but that's what it feels like. Now I'm getting off topic...but I'm sure you girls have noticed that I tend to do that.
Anyway, even though I could have remained anonymous, I'm happy that I felt like commenting on JBF. Because of that, I met all of you...the best friends and sisters that a girl could ask for.
Posted by Crystalily at 2:08 PM 1 comments
I broke my cellphone charger. :(
Madison Paige- she was the first person I really talked to on & off JBF. She was fourteen at the time and lived in a small town ten minutes away from Wyckoff, New Jersey. She was into Jonas Brothers, musicals and fan fiction. She is the first person I wrote a joint fic with, the only person I've ever FINISHED a joint fic with. I STILL haven't met her, even after two planned get together but pretty soon I'm just going to drive down to her house and see her.
Hayden- Oh dee she was amazing, She was the second person I talked to on and off JBF all the time. she was best friends with Madison and I. We started a joint fic together the HSM crew, Hayden,Stephani,Madison. We were superheros PowerMads, SuperGirl H, & WonderSteph, now if you've read Tell me, tell me, why the sun is shining out here in Jersey when you are no where near those names should sound forever, the girls in that story were my best friends. But then one day Dee's account was deactivated and she was never on AIM any more. I was devestated, she was one of my best friends the one who had been talking to me about boys in boxers when my teacher put my computer screen on EVERYONE in the classrooms computer screen.
Then I met some other people.
For a while I had been stalking around JBF trying to find something other than OMG JOE fell in love with me on the first date and we made out and got married. And I found it with three great girls.
Ashley Marie Ates- I forget what I first read of yours, which makes me feel horrible but you have had so many storied started over time that I forget which one brought us together. I remember though that you and Mel were having a converstaion about being a pedophile for Nick J. And I said I was one too. Truthfully I was still a year away from such a thing but I was close and at times I am more mature than my age. And then I brought up writing a fic about being a pedophile. and tale of a pedophile was born. Which lead to Tale of a Perfectionist and tale of a (up&coming)popstar. And the awesome friendship.
Melissa White- I still don't know your middle name. hahah I remember reading Elevator that was the first thing of Mel's I read. I'm not sure if I commented or not but I can tell you that I was in love right away. Back then I was shy, well hell I still am on some points, and didn't want to talk to people I didn't know because I was scared of rejection but then pedophilia happened and well I'm glad it did. we saw twilight together and can I tell you I loved the movie but even more I loved meeting one of my best friends.
Rennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn- Hahah I read you because of the other two, I just don't remember when it was. I just know that you are amazing, you make me smile and I can't afford to frown most days. Gardenia's was love from the first time I read and will once again be love when I read it for the last time. your writing made me feel like I was ten trying to piece together a fib to tell me mother. And I truly do mean that, you seemed to write with words bigger, with more feeling and heck more smarts than my body had. And then I found out you were fourteen and I was jealous. But I love you and it still. I wish you were coming.
Now Crystal I know I didn't include you here and that's because I've never read one of your fanfictions and I'm truthfully ashamed to admit that. I mean I've read one shots and joints you have done but never one of your fanfictions. But even so I know you are an amazing writer. You are one of the best friends I could have ever asked for, you are so much more than that also. You are my sister, just like the other girls are but you are like the sister I go to visit on holidays lol. Your dad is like my dad and your brother... well he's my lover (haha jk) but hey I love you the most sister. I'll see you in july<3
So truthfully I joined jbf to read stories I never imagined that I would post my stories, never imagined I would meet you and never imagined that i would have sisters becaue of it.
Posted by Sinful Stephani at 9:00 AM 1 comments
so my blog has NOTHING to do with the cab, but um, I'M EXCITED! hah the cab is one of my favorite bands. <3
and now for the point of this blog.
since returning to jbf to post subterfuge under my new alias, i started to wonder why and how we all joined jbf. i mean there are tons of other fansites out there, why did we all join jbf and what prompted us to start reading/writing fanfic?
haha your blog response or comment to this is totally optional. i'm just curious i guess. and as always, you don't have to read mine.
i'd just gotten tickets to the jonas concert in lafayette on the wylmite tour and since i was going alone i kind of wanted to see if i could meet up with someone there. it was a few months before the concert, so i searched for jonas fansites with forums and jbf showed up. i joined, created my question and forgot about it for a few days. when i checked back nobody had answered so i decided to just read around other parts of the forum. i found the fanfic section and clicked on a few that captured my interest.
the first one that really grabbed me was mel's elevator. i remember being in the library, class, and a ton of other public places while reading that story. i'm sure people thought i was crazy, but the humor was just so amazing. i left her comments and thought i was surely annoying her. but her story was so great!
during all of that i asked for a siggy from ashlynn taylor. we got to talking and she and mel encouraged me to write.
now joining jbf to write fanfiction wasn't something i'd originally set out to do, but i already had a username so why not? so insecurites aside i began writing my first fanfic, "secrets don't make friends." (and yes, i smiled at that title. THANKS MEL.) the response and love was overwhelming. i couldn't believe it!
as we all know, next came laws and a ton of one-shots, ladedah and other things. mel put me in "breathe" which made my life because i got to marry ROBERT! :) i remember getting into fights about KEVIN with bre and they got violent (but so fun!)
then i noticed that mel was reading this little fic called "gardenias" by a person called perfervid_heart. taking a chance, i decided to read it too. and man was i hooked! the characters and writing put mine to shame and i was floored. i requested a siggy by this amazing writer and soon after i was getting comments from this person, saying they liked my story.
it definitely boosted my self esteem for a while :)
ren (as i later found out that's what perfervid_heart's name was) imed me and we started a friendship. i was already iming mel, so it was perfect that we all liked each other. we became arm. i don't remember how that actually got started, but we were arm and it was amazing.
laws was probably the highlight of my jbf writing career. i met crystal and steph during it as well. crystal was one of the best commenters in the world. she had something nice to say about everything and her words always made my day. when she started writing who's the dog i was one of her biggest fans. i still say it needs to be finished, but who am i to remind people of their unfinished stories? (...let's not even begin to count how many i've left sitting staring at me, begging me to continue them. those poor fics.)
i met steph differently. i'd seen her around before, probably read something of hers before, but we'd never really talked. until my pedophilia came up with her and mel and the rest is pedophiliac heaven. :) i was surprised to find out that a virtual stranger was going to write a fic about me being a pedophile, but it was awesome so i was all for it. i'm so excited to see my freezer this summer!!!
in a massive chat one day i randomly decided we should have teams. i'll never remember why, but that doesn't matter. because that day "sac" was born. true, it wasn't me, steph and crystal, but later on we became sac. the merger of arm and sac was beautiful. :)
okay i forgot the point of this, but it was fun remembering my side of this. i can't imagine not having you girls in my life. and to think i only joined because i wanted to meet up with people at my concert.
i met up with some of the most amazing friends i could ever ask for. :)
thanks jbf!
Posted by Anonymous at 3:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Gahhh, I love this site. It's amazing, and I find it almost scary how profound/touching some of these quotes are. Be warned, this is gonna be a reallllly looooong post.
One of my favorite things in the world is meaningful nonsense.
Sometimes you read something or see something that you don`t really understand,
but it really speaks to you. You may not know what it means, but you know it's meaningful,
a n d t h a t i t h a s c h a n g e d y o u r l i f e | f o r e v e r . |
If you really think,
this moment, right now, will never be here again.
today, will never be here again.
your only the age you are now, once.
you can't return or exchange anything you do.
right now, is right now, and tomorrow, is tomorrow.
live life to the fullest.
i'm too many things at once.
fashion don't. a lucky charm, a curse. a freedom, a burden. a
genius, an idiot... the list goes on. but this time when i looked
in the mirror, i didn't see all of them. they disappeared behind
the glass; and what i found? i found one person. one girl. one
teenager. still many things, but somehow still just one. yet i was
surprised to find t hat for [ once ] in my life, what i saw there?
i wasn't disappointed. (:
belongs to -->those<---
who [b e l i e v e] in the
*'beauty of //their\\
-eleanor roosevelt
there come's a point in your life when you realize
who matters, who never did
and who always will. so don't stress about the
people from the past, there's a reason they didn't
make it to your future
I t ' s j u s t a c h a p t e r o f t h e p a s t .
B u t d o n ' t c l o s e t h e b o o k ,
j u s t t u r n t h e p a g e x
p e o p l e change to make themselves b e t t e r
even if it doesnt seem that way inoureyes
s e a s o n s c h a n g e.
relationships change.
attitudes change.
bodies change.
minds change.
ages change.
love changes.
things are lost.
t h i n g s are found.
people change for the worse.
b u t no matter how m a n y times
wechange; how many people wehurt
c h a n g e i s c h a n g e .
the m o s t p o w e r f u l force in the world.
every change happens for a reason.
how many people call you
and it's not about who you've dated, are dating, or haven't dated at all.
It's not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not.
Life isn't about;
if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are.
Life Just Isn't About That.
But life is about;;
But life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about how you feel about yourself.
It's about trust, happiness, and compassion.
It's about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love.
Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance, and building confidence.
It's about what you say and what you mean.
It's about seeing people for who they are and not for what they have.
Most of all, it is about living your life to touch someone else's.
is which bridge to cross
&+ which bridge to burn
maybe if we work a little bit harder
look a little bit deeper
and love a little bit more
we will find the peace in eachother. <3
(: s m i l e :)
because you
never know
who's day
it might make.
:) (:
rumors are told.
h e a r t s get broken.
trust becomes impossible.
judgment is around every corner.
&& hope is what keeps you g o i n g.
I believe that God chose to give
those who he knows is stronger
harder life situations;;
he knows they can handle it even
if they don't think so
Stop with the hurting and
stop with the p.a.i.n.
r e m e m b e r every moment
and [[dance]] in the rain
lifes to >>short<< to live with regrets
so live in the m o m e n t and "never" forget
the ones tht make ((you)) laugh and smile
because they are the one tht will be t.h.e.r.e. for you
through every inch and every mile
You never know how
You are...
until being strong is the
choice you have.
when we are desperately sad
or hurt, we act awful and<---
want to be loved. how tragic
then, that everyone avoids:..
you and tip-toes around you
when you ( need ) them the
most. how bitter it felt when
you acted awful to everyone
and ended up hating yourself
the most.
you don't have to be perfect,
not now, not ever.
never fake a smile.
Posted by Ren at 1:32 PM 1 comments