Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Change A Heart Change the World

The title is the song title of a Jump 5 song that I absolutely love. This is a drabble thing that I wrote down in Writing and Grammar a few weeks ago when we had free time because it was just something that I really felt I needed to get down on paper. It has affected me, and I know it affects others, too. I apologize if it's cheesy, or wishful thinking, or anything else that offends or disgusts, but it's what's been on my mind and in my heart lately. It starts of with different song lyrics and then goes into my own original thoughts.

Whatcha got if you ain't got love? The kind that you just wanna give away.
How do you measure a year? Measure in love.
It's a revolution. The time has come for us to finally win.
Father, Father send some guidance from above cause people got me questioning
Can you imagine a world that is ruled by love and kindness instead of hate and animosity? What if all of it stopped, the lies, the gossip, the late? Some people say it's impossible. Why? It is a world crying out, crying out in an attempt to appeal to the compassion of others. To end wars. Feed the hungry. It's up to us to prevent hurt and pain wherever we can. What if it's up to us and only us? Those who will one day be our world. What if you could start right now, right here, in this very moment. You could reach out to someone who is secretly begging for a hug or even just a smile. Yeah, we all have those days, the ones where getting out of bed is hard enough, and the world seems stacked against you. You aren't the only one who has these days, and you could put an end to that day for someone else. Be the light at the end of a dark and long tunnel if you would jump at the chance. What would it to do to think of others first? This world would be a completely different place. What if we really could? It could start with steps. It has to. Not leaps. Not jumps. Just a step. Hold the door. Smile and a total stranger. Kindness is good for everyone. Those who give and receive both reap the benefits. Hate hurts and leads to pain. Why spread it? It's like a disease that consumes. Consumes and devours. What about happiness? It's also contagious. But it's a cure. It's a cure that envelops people and gives security and warmth.  Loving your neighbor, your enemy. We've all heard it before. What if it became our reality? Why has it become such a challenge to keep a hurtful remark to yourself? Why is it so hard to say a kind word to someone else, someone you may not usually talk to. Why is someone too weird for you to talk to? Past the clothes we wear or the way we talk or how we spend our time, we all have a common bond. We're all human beings, thinking, feeling, believing, hopeful human beings. It is a tie between all of is that cannot be severed. So why do we continue to ignore it? Those built up because of self-interest will eventually crumble back to the ground. None of us are perfect, but why should that mean that we don't even try? Why have we lost the ability to do something, to say something because it is something that we honestly believe? We all stray so far from who we are supposed to be and the things we should do. We don't care about being the best people for us and those around us. We don't wake up wondering what we can do for everything around us to improve. What would it take to make people start thinking outside of their own little worlds? Beyond what they know and see everyday? To the people on the other side of the world that are starving and helpless to those who sit beside us everywhere who are also helpless and starving for a hand to hold. It could start a revolution. It's a new way of thinking, something that could change everything we know. Change it for the better. But it's up to us. So if you could start right now, would you? Would you care to make this world a better place? We are held back by our own apathy and complacency. Now is the time to break free of it and make a difference. We are the ones who are capable of doing it. What do you say?


Crystalily said...

That was great Ren. Personally I would say yes and give it a try but it can be harder done than said...even if it should be something that's easy to do.