Monday, April 6, 2009

dawned on me

You know what dawned on me like 7 hours ago?
Tomorrow is an important day for me kinda.
It will be the one year anniversary of when I joined JBF.
Meaning it's been a year pretty much since I've been friends with most if not all of you girls.
That is incredible to me.
As a matter of fact as I write this, I'm rereading Laws.
If I remember correctly that is one of the first stories that I commented on.
I have no idea what compelled me to join JBF a year ago (tomorrow).
I mean I could have totally just read stories on there and not commented on how much I like/love the story.
Yet I didn't.
For whatever reason I joined and had to share my love for some of the stories that I read.
I have to admit that I'm very happy that I did.
Because if I hadn't, I never would have met any of you amazing girls of ARMSAC.
Or any of the other amazing girls that I have become friends with on that site.
So happy anniversary to me, because that faithful day a year ago changed my life by allowing me to get to know you girls and gain you as best friends.
No scratch that, by gaining you as sisters.
Love you girls.


Mellers said...

Aww, that's awesome!
It really is kinda amazing how one website brought us all together just because we all happened to make accounts and write stories and comment on stories.
A great coincidence. <3

Crystalily said...

Probably the best coincidence that has ever happened.

At least until we bump into the JoBros this summer. :)