Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deck The Halls With Porn and Playgirls.

I am infact one of the hardest people to shop for ever. Because as Ashley said so calmly one day, "I have everything." Which might be true but truthfully if I see something and I like it, why wouldn't I buy it? I mean I understand that Christmas is the time of other people buying you presents and such, but I'm so used to buying myself presents that well I never leave anything for anyone to get me, ever. I don't know having my birthday be on Christmas and then Christmas be on well Christmas I'm kind of deprived of presents all year long until my birthday happens. So I'm used to buying myself what I want. No one ever buys me presents, except boyfriends they buy me stuff, so I'm used to not getting stuff until I buy it. And as soon as I can I tend to buy stuff. I mean I can't really help it. I want it, I buy it, that's how it works.
If I have to hear my friend tell me one more time how hard it is to find me something for Christmas, he lives with me he should know by now what to get me. Cash Monnney hahah jk.
but it would be a good gift. Along with a Jonas Brother. i seriously told my boyfriend that was what i wanted for christmas and he gave me a dirty look. But it was worth it. I got a jealous boyfriend kissing all up on me and junk ;D
I can just see my christmas presents coming and being stuff i don't want. Can't wait for the gift reciepts!
lol <3
ps.armsac shirts ftw<3