Monday, October 27, 2008

O.M.G. Did you hear? I'm fucking Kevin Jonas! It's so hawt.

It's true, Kevin is cheating on Danielle with me. And he broke his promise to God, and is sleeping with me. Oh man how I wish that was true.

Currently I am sitting in my Pajamas watching Bad Boys as the chick attacks Martin Lawrence with a baseball bat, cause he's 'not Mike Lauwry'. Staying home from work today wasn't my first choice I really didn't have a choice though when I woke up this morning I was so stiff and in so much pain that I cried as I walked to the bathroom and as I turned over to turn my alarm off.
I'm reading and writing fan fiction and looking at the stuff for my classes which I start today. My life is boring. I admit it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Eleven PM Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?

Those effin commercials get on my nerves every single time I see them.

"This is Channel (#) news saying... It's Eleven PM Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?"

Fuck you.
What if I don't have kids?
What if my kids were kidnapped?
Or what if they died?
Do you realize that would just depress me more than I normally am depressed.
Fuck you Channel (#) News. Fuck You.

Also on the same subject my father the other day.
In my room saying goodnight as that commercial came on.
And he goes...
"Probably stalking those ugly Jones kids."
First off they are not ugly, they are all gorgeous so you and your fat self can go far away and never talk to me again.
Second off they are the Jonas Brothers, or the Jonas Boys. Not the Jones kids. No. Wrong. Play again next time.

And when he calls them ugly he means it.
He told me that they were all unattractive the curly haired one(Nick [it was June his hair was mega curly]) had "girl eyebrows"
The Asian straight haired one (Joe...IDK where he got Asian from... *coughJScough*) had a unibrow and if it wasn't connected them they were bushes.
And that the other straight haired one (Kevin...Kevin is never the other one. He is the sexy one) was plain ugly and that his face looked like it belonged on the curly haired one's body.
I didn't talk to him for a month. fucking mess with my boys.

On a very different note, my friend Sarah & her friend called up limited too and asked Why there were no kevin t-shirts in the store. (sarah is a mega Kevin girl too :])
The responce "he is too old"
So sarah shot back very unhappy with that comment
"Ashley Tisdale is older than him. Kevin Jonas is sexy."
Hero Sarah, HERO.
The video if you want to watch is called limited too calling about Kevin shirts, it's most likely the first one. by ZoraandSarah. :)

So I leave you with these words for the night(morning)
"Ashley Tisdale is older than him. Kevin Jonas is sexy"
"She's out there stalking those Jonas Brothers."


Saturday, October 25, 2008

If you're gonna wear a mask, at least one should be pretty. :)

No Steph, I'm not sending you a mask. That message was a joke and you're a meanie. Hahaha I love you.

We really are the only ones writing on this sucker, huh?

Right now I'm really just...I don't know. It's a chilly Saturday morning, there are hours before I have to work again, and I just don't know.

My mom called me the other day to tell me my dad was in jail. Is it sad that I care more about when she tells me that my uncles are in jail? I've never really spent a whole lot of time with my dad, not since I was little. I feel so heartless that I don't care that he's in jail, but I don't really know him. Maybe it's the best place for him, you know? Besides, he owes me twenty bucks.

I have this weird feeling about my friendship with Will. (Stephani if you tell him this I will kill you. ARMSAC blogs are just for us and whoever else reads them....God I hope Will doesn't read it.) He's been my best friend for forever, but he's been lying to me. I know he has. He sent me a message asking if he could come over last night after I got off work. I told him no because I was about to go to sleep. (I legit did too, like an hour later.) He sent me one back saying it's fine because he couldn't really go out because his tailights were out or something. Then later he sent me a message saying he was passing my, okay. Whatever. I don't like friends who are liars.

....Even though I kind of lied to him when he pissed me off. I told him that he couldn't come see HSM unless he bought a ticket (which is true, because the ho is selling out like whoa). Truth is, I'd bought a ticket for him a week and a half ago. I invited my best friend Kayla (who I never talk to or see or hang out's so weird how we're still bff's.) to see it.

Ugh, gah, grah.

That's how I feel.

Pondering the Meaning of the World

Not really I wish that is what I am doing.
I am however pondering why the FUCK I am awake at 8:52 AM!
On a Saturday!
Alas I have been awake since oh 7:28 AM... ON A SATURDAY!
Fuck life.
I have a buuucket full of candy sitting next to me right now.
I bet it will be gone by next week.
Oh & who else is sad that I don't work on Halloween so I don't get to wear my cool costume all day.
...well I will anyways... but still!

Now I go to watch a movie. And wait to see if Ashley is going to send me that picture of her for a mask for Halloween, after all I want to scare all the little kids in the neighborhood off so I can steal their candy. *insert evil laugh here*


p.s. it's two months til my birthday and christmas. i expect bitching presents...or some of you can expect to get left at the airport. *insert smirk here*

Friday, October 24, 2008


Good song the maine btw check them out.

Okay since this one had HO! in the name I decided to post about my co-writer (until other people WRITE!), myself, and probably the jonas brothers since they are playing. But Ash is a deff cause she is the ho to my betch : )

Ashley(!~!~!) is amazing beyond belief. She always makes me laugh with the stupid stuff she says, from alien rap music, which is amazing lol, to telling me to text and tell her she is not a creeper... even though we all know she is. Despite the fact that we live *25* hours apart she is probably the best friend I have. Ashley my life would suck without you... and I don't suck ho! lol ily.

Stephani(me!~!~!) I have come to realize that I gave very little information about myself before o.O how could I not tell the world about me! Ugh like I said i'm 17 (18 in two months bay bay!). I'm Asian, and more often than not that joke about being Asian is coming out of my mouth. I admit it. I'm medium height, brunette(with a blond underlayer and black in there too lol) with brown eyes. I wear drive...even though I need them period. I crashed my car last Saturday. And got a new car on Monday lol. I'm not rich, nor is my family, we just have
money. I can't wait for the day when Ashley, Crystal, Mel & I are together!...Ricky might be uninvited by then. I joke around with a serious face. Sing & Dance like there is no tomorrow. Write like the wind even though I stink at it. These girls force me lol. My phone & iPod are always with me, trust me there. And I love getting random text messages from Ashley at like 3 AM about hot steamy fireman KEVIN JONAS<3>Yea I went there lol.

Jonas Brothers(by age..youngest first):
Frankie, my favorite, you might think I'm kidding he is so my favorite. I will marry him. PED FOR LYFE lol. jk. will not marrrry Frankie. He is adorable though.
Nicholas, douche...I mean... I love him too! He is the reason that I am friends with Ashley, Mel, Ren, Crystal, so many of my friends, so thanks Nicholas. &
Joseph, ah first love of the group, it didn't take but a single glance for me to be all swoons. yea you are that good...not. I was just very shallow didn't care about personality just looks. So you win there...and lose everywhere else. *shrugs*
Paul Kevin Jonas the second, you are truthfully the closest thing to Prince Charming I have heard of in a while. You and your brothers have manners galore and are so respectful it's actually kind of sickening. But I love you non the less for it. You are amazing. You might think that us fans don't love you as much. But truthfully you are my favorite I love you to all things unholy. Mellers loves you, Renners loves you, Ashley love(d) you(before she realized she was meant to be a pedophile). We all love you.
Thank you for what you all have done in my life. I could not thank you enough.

It's Dysfunction, But It Works

Steph, hahah I love you. You make me smile so much just because you're not afraid to say exactly how you feel about things. I can rarely do that. I'm only my true self when I'm with my best friends.

Feel special dorks, because I'm including you in that list.

We're just a family. Whether we like it or not, believe it or don't. While we live all across the USA (okay, not really, just in like 4 states or so, and they're KINDA close if you're looking with your eyes crossed) I think we were always meant to be friends.

I almost literally can't go a day without texting Stephani, even if it's something stupid. Usually she calls me names and our back and forth name calling can go on forever. (Check our myspaces for some old proof.)

Mel is my rock and my constant sounding board for new ideas. She was the first I told about Jonas Bug and a lot of other stuff. If I hadn't of spammed her first story with my ridiculous comments, she never would have encouraged me to write.

And the others, well, I mean I already talked about them in the last post, so I don't know why I'm doing it again. So I'll stop.

These girls are the most amazing people in the world. And while we're so different we're a family.

Whoda thunk that the Jonas Brothers above all things would bring us together?

But hey, at least we have more in common than just a desire to molest those boys!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ashley(is a meanie pants) But Mellers, Renners & Crystalily rock! they rock on!

Ashley decides to go and be all mean to be on her first post. So I, being the nice betch I am, have decided to spill a little bit about Ashley.
Ashley is twenty years old and basically in love, oh who am i kidding she thinks she is gonna murry and have babies with a sixteen year old. And yes Ash I know not for two months. still PEDOPHILE.
She is the evil twin, even though she is three years older than me.
Bajah Ashley who am I kidding. Nothing would be the same if I didn't have you. Without you I would have never met Melissa, I met her through you over your nick Pedophile siggy she made one day. Ren, who I only met cause well she was part of ARM and I was friends with 2/3 of ARM to begin with. Or Crystal, who I met because she read the tale of a pedophile which I wrote about you.
I guess I am just a jealous betch and I wished that Kevin Jonas's clothes went WISSSSHHHH for me like Nick's do for you
betch ily

AH It deleted all my stuff STFU!

Renners is amazing.
She is the true baby of the group but I often forget that because she is well more mature than Ashley is.
She is an amazing:
graphic designer.
She is pure amazing.
Ren keeps me sane when Mel is not around but Ashley is.
I am seriously really upset that I haven't talked to Ren in forever.
And that she can't participate in ARMSAC 09 :(
That would be a sad strawberry in IM talk.
Always love Kevin, even when I don't, which won't happen unless I steal/rape/kidnap one of his brothers and/or garbo. lol
Renners ily<3

Melissa is pure amazing.
She is an excellent writer, artist, friend.
Some days when suffering for lack of Ashley, or Crystal or everyone period Mel is there for me.
She is like the shrink I never had but I have always needed.
She is an amazing artist.
cheeeeck it out.
Some of those comics are about me.
I'm not sad to admit it.
Mel & Kevvers make cute babies.
So do Joe & Big Rob.
But don't ask about that lol.

Crystal! I spent three humorus days in your house in Michigan.
And learned more than one thing.
1. Oh-hi-ho. will never be my friend. and thank you for telling ashley so she can keep bringing it up.
2. Michigan is fucking COLD at 5 AM. and when your brother brings my laptop back upstairs the day I am suppose to leave, it means go downstairs and tell him 5 AM.
3. Your dad hates it when I say I don't know and/or I don't care as to if I will eat the food he is offering me. It will get me smacked.
I can't wait til you get internet back.
Until then I will spam the fucccck out of your phone.
And if your brother gets you high.
tell me.

that is all for noow


Introductions....psh, like one is needed.

Hey! I'm Ashley (the A's of ARMSAC) and I'm cooler than Stephani. The world knows this, I just like putting it in writing.

Right now I'm reading Stephani being a perv (as usual) after an 1:10 phone conversation ARMSAC had. It was niiiiiice, even though I did most of the talking.

Stephani is my twin, but the evil one. I love her and she's the best. Only she will truly understand the wiiiiiiiishing sound Nick is going to make one day and I love her for that. Early morning phone conversations aren't cool unless they're with her.

Mellers is one of the most amazing people in the universe. Seriously. I'm jealous of her talent each and every day, but I support her like a soccer mom. :) She's the heart and soul of ARMSAC, because without her we never would have formed. I loveeee herrrr and her comics. (Especially the ones with me in them!)

I'm so going out of order, hahha.

Ren hasn't really been around lately, and I miss her. She was the one who kept us all balanced. She's always a ton of fun, but she knows how to get down to business when it's needed. Even though I'm older than her she's a person I can learn a lot from, and I respect her for that. Renners is amazing.

And Crystal....hahah she's my favorite. :) Okay, I don't have favorites in this group because everyone is amazing (minus me, but let's not get into that) but Crystal is special. I never thought that someone who seemed to read and comment everything in the universe and had something nice to say would want to be friends with me.

I can't believe any of the girls in ARMSAC want to be my friend, but I'm not questioning it. Separate we're just a bunch of weirdos (you girls know it) but together...we're a GROUP of weirdos.

A group of weirdo friends who will always be there for each other.

ARMSAC forever!

Psh, because we're THAT cool

Introductions (S from armSac)

Hey kids!
I'm Stephani from armSac!
The S of course!
This is our armSac blog.
Currently I'm listening to Ashley scare the shizz out of me on the phone.
*eyes wide*
I wonder who will introduce themselves next?
Oh I'm 17(da baby!)
and I love...kevinjonas<3 hahah... ttyl xoxo Steph<3