Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's only RAPE if he pulls out.

Seriously don't ask me about that title and i do mean that I have no bloody idea at all. But this is going to be a really random blog so I thought it would fit.
New idea for ARMSAC 2009, we could have a paint war one day :) but we are not allowed to team up against Ashley cause that is mean. And by paint war I mean we buy a bunch of water balloons, or regular balloons lol and then a bunch of paint and then we go to this empty lot by my house and have fun. :)
Um let's see I'm writing a one shot it's almost done. I feel like I haven't written in forever but truthfully I have I just stopped posting it basically.
Um. My grandfather told me I couldn't have food in my room today, I replied with ' well than the cats can't be in my room they have to eat there after all' and i got told to 'move if i don't want to listen to him.' FUCK HIM seriously.
Um that's it for now I think



Crystalily said...

ok a paint war seems like fun. it totally does.
and i say we all team up against icky. haha...oh wait i mean...well it could be fun teaming up against him.
now to read the oneshot.

Sinful Stephani said...

bahahah yess let's team up against ricky....
only not really.
cause he would take it out on me.
and that would not be fun