Saturday, June 27, 2009

I might just be an Archie girl for life now...

So I'm totally loving David Archuleta at the moment. I'll admit, I didn't watch AI the season he was a contestant. But I'm reading his Twitter page. Dude, this guy is almost as Twitter-addicted and some of you girls are *coughacertainsomeonewithapenchantformulticoloredhaircough* Yes, I said it. I still love you. All of you just kill my Twitter page because I'm never on Twitter. Like...ever.

Anywayyy, so can I just for a couple of seconds am going to rant about this kid. Because he seems like a very legitly cool person. First of all, he's on tour with Demi. Yeah. He responds to like a million tweets from fans (he was 105,000 freaking followers. And he's personally responding to people?????) Kina Grannis opened for him (if you have not heard of her. GO. NOW YOUTUBE. I'M NOT KIDDING. SHE IS some point, I'm going to make a big giant post of music that I want to expose everyone two because, not gonna lie, I kind of feel like that's my purpose in love. To spread my love of music (and my expansive iTunes library) with the world and make people fall in love with artists/songs/albums that way.

Okay, back to Archie. He linked to Kina's cover of The Call by Regina Spektor...which I'm pretty sure once upon a time, I showed the same link to Mel. Yes. This kid is awesome. I cried the first time I heard her cover of that song (but I cry at a lot of things). He tweets about random stuff (the person in the hotel room next to him with a creepy laugh. Who, as I'm reading on, apparently has a Southern drawl. I hope he doesn't have anything against a Southern accent, otherwise, I might just have to stop thinking he's a cool person. Immediately.)

Bahaha, he's funny. XD Yesh, I'm subjecting you people to this, what is basically my stream of consciousness as I'm reading this Twitter feed. Quite fun, no? If you weren't interested at all, you would've stopped reading by now.

(....Totally random by the way, did you know that John Mayer loves "The Climb". Oh yeah.)

If nothing else, I think my musicals taste must be near identical to this kid's. Regina Spektor, Kina Grannis, Demi, and HOLY AFOSNAOGNHWA;OIGHW;EIGHA;WIGHAWPEIGH. He said "She Is Love" by Parachute rocks. See? Do you see why I love this kid?

....Probably because it's 2:21 AM and that's how I roll this late...early.

He also likes Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Like...can name the characters by name.

And I already liked his music beforehand. XD Although...I do have one question. Well, two questions. But we'll go one at a time here. First of all, why on earth was his first single Crush instead of Touch My Hand because the latter is just completely amazing with the lyrics and the melody and the beat and gahhhh. Second question. Is this a real song or just a hypothetical situation. Or better yet, a really great marketing ploy? Singing about spotting a pretty girl in the audience and holding onto that moment, that feeling. Oh, I bet ya everytime he sings that live, he has every single girl...maybe a few guys, too, on the edge of their seats because they're allllll thinking that he's singing to each one of the individually. If it happened for real, I hope that she goes back because of that song, and if life were a fairytale, I would hope that he would recognize her and go after her the next time. I'm sorry, but would that not be one of the most ridiculously cute, romantic things you've ever heard of?

Mmkay, I'm done. Because I seriously think I might pass out soon. I'm that tired.



Crystalily said...

Ren I love you. And I know about thse tweets of his because well I follow him on there. He is amazing. About the whole "Touch My Hand" scenario thingy...almost everytime I hear that song, something like that plays through my head. Just it may not be with Archie but with like Joe or a person from another band I love. Anyway I know what you mean by that.

Sinful Stephani said...

Ren :]
even though you complained about my tweets i still love you.
I saw David last night (met two members of his band) and can I tell you that when he introduced Touch My Hand. I thought he said touch my a@* :]

hahah i love you. an i don't really like him.

but illllyyyyyyy.