Saturday, June 27, 2009

"We Make the Perfect pear" (aka friday & saturday :])

Bed 2AM.
Awake 6AM
Breakfast with Ben & Graham.
Do nothing til Lunch with Tanner & his rents.
They are convinced I am a hooker... and a cheap one at that.
I leave because they piss me off.
get check.
Cash Check.
watch wowp.
pack finally.
Leave fifteen minutes late.
get gas.
Make that twenty five minutes late.
Get told there is an hour and ten minutes of traffic.
ten minutes later there is no traffic.
drive to the house not the mobile.
meg tells me to go to the mobile.
meg then tells me to go to the house.
go inside the house and wait with strangers watching sonny with a chance.
Meg shows up! yeaaa!!!
watch everyone eat dinner. i didn't eat.
get everyone in the car.
Megan Marie calls.
Puts Jason on the phone.
teenies, got it on video.
Puts Andy on the phone.
teenies so bad he hurts his ear :[
i get the phone too!
Tell him "We make the perfect pear" (they were buying pears!)
got it on video.
puts ALEX MOTHER EFFIN NOYES on the phone.
teenies, gets stuck in the car
got it on video, tell him we will honor roll & hang out in boston.
Go inside the concert.
Listen to one KSM song. ( I want you to want me!)
Get Merch.
Bought Richard a t-shirt. (tradition!!!!)
Talk to Megan and Erin on the phone!
Epically happy!
Go to find Meg's friends.
get totally lost.
Go back to seats for David.
He had a sing along.
Kinda didn't like him.
Sang Apologize by one republic.
Loveddd it<3
he finished.
we walk and get food.
See Mike & Dave from David's band.
*takes pic with dave*
"Let me take it."-Mike.
"I like it better this way."-me
*takes pic with Mike
"WAIT did i blink?"-Mike
*shows him picture and then they leave.*
Go back to our seats right as Demi comes on.
Her shoes look like if she feel she would break her ankle.
She sings way to many new songs.
She goes to change wardrobe & when she comes back like half the people left.
Get back starts & it's effin amazing!!!!
Concert ends.
Walk outside, can't leave our car is blocked by other cars.
Wait by buses.
*bus driver comes out*
*sound guy gets off bus*
"I'm just the sound guy"-sound guy.
talk to random people.
get on plant thing and start to sing
"See Noyes In the Dark" & do the honor roll
Keep singing that song & doing the dance.
little girl in orange shirt glaresss at me and meg.
I start singing demi songs.
She glarrrrreeesss even worse.
*evil little girl*
Start back with See Noyes In the Dark.
Singing Jonas.
Back with See Noyes In the Dark.
Meg calls someone as people from demi's band walk out.
I scream
They turn to look and I hide behind meg.
we wait like an hour.
Start driving home.
Radio Disney is on the Radio.
Miley starts
"Isn't she dating one of the jonas brothers?"
laughter and talking.
Paranoid comes on.
Singing along.
Car stopped at a funny place with a guy laying outside it with a DARK colored liquid around his head.
I think it was blood.
We call the police.
More people notice.
They run across the street to help.
The eight year old in the back is scaredddd.
My phone just died so I can't even like twitter about it.
Police show up so we leave.
11:11 I get in my car.
Follow Meg's aunt to the apartment.
get there at like 12:11.
I have service & meg doesn't!!
*victory is mine!*
Bed at like 1 AM
Wake up like twelve times.
It's effin cold.
Move so that the air doesn't touch me.
wake up at like 9:35
go to Dunkin Donuts.
Whore messed up my iced tea.
Simple fucking instructions and she messed it up.
Okay maybe not simple
"Medium ice tea in made in an extra large hot cup with six sugars melted, three lemons and extra ice."
easy right?
she puts liquid sugar.
it's tastes different than melted granulated sugar.
& there is ice tea all over my cup.
walk around
see a veryyy cute puppy.
walk inside and get a bagel.
Go sit on a like concrete wall.
eat & drink.
go back to the house.
decide against changing clothes, i was gonna come home and shower.
pack everything up.
get lost, of course what else is new with me?
find my way back.
my GPS said i wouldn't get home til 1:30.
Pulled in my driveway at 12:58.
I win.<3