Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We drove three hours just for Ashley to pass out.

Crystal goes to bed at 10:30.
I leave the living room at 1:30 go to my room.
Go to bed at like 2:30.
Ashley & Ricky go to bed sometime.
I wake up at 8 AM. Less than six hours sleep.
Crystal wakes up at like 9:30.
Ashley at like 10.
I get breakfast made by my gram :]
Crystal & Ash get breakfast too!
Richard wakes up.
Eats breakfast.
& falls back asleep.
Watch movie til 1:30.
Get dressed.
Leave at like two.
Drive three hours, really madly to Jones Beach New York.
Arrive an hour early. FML.
Stand in line for an hour.
Ashley eats French Fries the rest of us just stand around.
Comment on the conversation the girls behind us were having.
Zac Efron look a like in line in front of us.
Without the butt :[
Get inside.
walk to the stage.
Stand bored.
Days Difference, they are cute.
They play four songs.
I try not to laugh.
Push Play, they are cute.
Windblown (or some shit like that) [aka derek]
The gay one [ceejay]
& the other two.
they were good. I sang along :]
We call Meg and let her listen for about a minute.
Standing waiting watching Cartel set up.
Ashley falls to the ground.
A.K.A. she passes out behind me.
My heart freaks the fuck out.
I was the only one who saw it, Ricky & Crystal were in front of me.
My mind goes
I smack Ricky to get him to turn around.
Ashley hit her head, her glasses flew off and she took out like three other people.
I'm still freaking out.
She opens her eyes.
Sits up.
Someone hands her water, she drinks some.
Someone else gives her back her glasses.
She tries to stand.
They tell her to stay down.
Fucking freaking the hell out still.
Someone asks if she has diabetes.
Ashley replies, "No I'm just fat."
People have been screaming for security & shit.
No one comes.
Other security guards tell people to move and for her to walk over to the barrier.
She stands up, with help from Ricky & me & then walks over.
They help her over as the paramedic & two more security guards arrive.
She tells us to stay where we are.
WTF. No.
Follows over to the back of the barrier where she is.
They put her in a wheel chair.
Ricky hits a security guard multiple times asking if she's okay.
He says yes.
They start to wheel her the fuck away & I follow after weaving through the stupid fuckers sitting on the ground.
Ricky & Crystal follow.
My heart is fucking racing. RACING.
To the point of I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
We kind of race after the wheelchair, that fucker walked wayyy to fast.
I'm repeatedly saying.
"I'm going to cry."
They wheel her to the first aide place.
We walk inside & sit down.
It's fucking hot in there.
we walk outside, cause they wheel her outside.
Crystal goes to get a Days Difference t-shirt.
I'm still freaking out.
Ashley's making more jokes about being fat & shit.
"1400 Maple Dr. Winfield, LA."
"Where's that?"
Yes that did happen.
Then ashley's like.
"I wish I had a cool scar from it or something."
I want to smack her.
The paramedic calls her hardcore.
her & the paramedic bond.
I twitter.
It goes like this.
"Ashley just passed out. Shit Shit Shit."
Ashley is still bonding.
I realize Crystal is still gone
"Where is she I don't need another one getting hurt!"
She's walking back.
I'm okay.
She got a cool shirt.
My heart is still flying.
The paramedic asks what she's had to eat today
"Um Eggs, toast ham & fries."
"For lunch?"
He glares at me, like seriously wtf she's twenty years old she can fucking feed herself.
& She had the most to eat out of all of us yesterday.
"We can stay."
UM NO Ashley we can't.
Ashley & Crystal try to convince us we can stay.
Ricky and I have decided we are leaving. Sorry.
They both try to convince us again.
End of story. (about staying not end period)
We leave and go to wendy's.
Get food & Drinks.
Ashley eats one chicken nugget & drinks her large lemonade.
I eat most of my food, Crystal eats most of her food, Ricky eats his food oh & everyone's left overs & drinks part of my drink.
I am now breathing normally.
Stop at a gas station to get Ricky cigarettes (& me) & get crystal 'pop' & ashley gum.
"I'm at a gas station in New York"-Ashley
"Would you like any more cigarettes"- Indian guy (after he handed me three fucking packs.)
[Um no. I don't smoke that much, richard might though]
start on the way to Mel's house.
Annoying drive, my phone dies multiple times, Richard has to hold it and tell me directions.
We get to Mel's house & tell her what happened & stuff.
Ashley goes,
"Yea I remember seeing spots and then looking at the ground."
"I don't remember anything else except someone handing me water and then them lifting me over the barrier, I wasn't being any help at all."
"It was awesome."
I swear she wanted me to die. Then she starts to plan it so next time she passes out she can freak them all out.
I'm like NO.
We plan on stealing stuff from Melissa.
sleep for the most part.
Ricky stays awake for the most part.
Locks himself out of the house at like 2 am.
he calls four people including one of my va friends. :]
Mel wakes up and lets him in.
He walks into the room at one part & I tell him to go to sleep.
He finally goes to sleep at like 5 am.
I wake up at 7 am.
Walk out of the room.
say hi to mel's dad.
walk back into the room
fall back asleep.
Ricky manages to always fall asleep where he can kick me.
I do not like this.
Wake up like four more timess.
Before at 9 am. someone forces me awake *glares at crystal*
Spray Ricky with High school musical body spray.
Leave mel's.
Drive for like an hour.
get gas, & then go to Burger King.
They have jonas shit.
grab like six crowns.
Oh & steal a Joe Jonas gift card, I was not putting money on it.
drive back home.
Yea :]
the end.