Thursday, April 30, 2009

I just need to get this off my chest.

It doesn't have to do with you guys, it has to do with me so you don't have to read it. I promise.
My family is an effin walking talking, breathing bunch of contradictions. And most of them are all about me, those effin contradictions.
I curse too much, according to my grandparents, and yet when anything happens with them it's fucking this, bitch that. I mean come on now if I can't why can you?
My brother says he bet's i can loose twenty pounds(i'm trying legitly) before he gets a 6 pack. My dad thinks I'll gain twenty more.
My grandmother thinks I need to eat more.
You can ask Crystal basically the whole time I was at her house I ate one meal a day. Because I normally don't eat that much. I'll eat something small around lunch time, just a little snack thing, and then have dinner late at night OR I'll eat breakfast and then nothing until late at night once again for dinner. And because my family eats randomly and they NEVER tell me when dinner is done. I usually don't get done with my homework and everything until at least 8:30 9 PM.
My grandfather thinks I eat to much.
My grandmother thinks I spend too much money on stupid stuff and should get out of the house more. My grandfather doesn't care about how much money I spend but he thinks I need to be in the house more.
I am gone one week when my grandparents get home with groceries and I get told 'I got out of it this time'. My brother who doesn't have school that late on Wednesdays is never home EVER and he doesn't have to do anything.
It just bothers me. Legitly bothers me.


Crystalily said...

Aww I'm sorry hun. But while you were here, you saw that I pretty much eat one meal a day as well. That meal would be dinner and happens anywhere from 7 to 10 at night. Other than that I just snack. But you don't eat too much and I would say you don't eat enough but seeing as I'm the same way and it works for me, I won't say that.

The other things are messed up though. It would all bug me as well, trust me. I would say don't listen to them, and you shouldn't on these things, but I know how hard it can be to ignore the remarks and everything.

Just know that we love you the way you are.