Saturday, April 25, 2009

listening to bayside and...

thinking. i know, i'm just as shocked at the thinking part as you are. but actually, honestly, i'm not really thinking all that much. i'm sort of taking a break from that. and i know that that's not really smart and if i keep doing it i'll end up going through another massive emotional breakdown again, but just for now, just for today i need to quit.

if you guys actually knew how much i worried about things and overthink everything you'd probably freak out. there's a line from a teddy geiger song that says "everything in life happens twice, the first time's in my mind." or something like that, i don't have my ipod nearby, and like i said before i'm listening to bayside. but it's close to that. but yeah, that line struck a chord with me. because i seriously come up with scenarios for almost every thing i put myself into. when i say hello to someone, what will they say. and then when it actually happens, i always wonder if the response was genuine. i don't know why, but analyze every reaction i get.

and while it might not look like it, i think about my future A LOT. i wonder what my life will be like. when i go to my ten year reunion, will i be a success or just somebody that gets whispered about? am i actually capable of doing anything on my own? half the time i just try to ignore how i feel about things and delve into the land of internet gossip and teenie stuff. it's easier that way.

but last night was sort of a breaking point for me.

i don't know what brought it on, but last night on the car ride home from the movies i spilled it all out to my mom. i told her that i didn't want to be a failure, but i was so afraid to do anything. i told her about my writing fanfic (and she didn't laugh) i told her i wanted to be a writer but i could never write a book. i told her i had the same idea for a book in my head since the ninth grade and she didn't make fun of the idea when i told her about it (even though i kept crying and breaking it up calling it retarded.) she didn't even laugh when i told her that i got a fanfic award on jbf. all the fears i had about telling my mom i wanted and liked to write (regardless of my talent) amounted to nothing. she even said "well you obviously don't suck if people gave you an award for it."

i felt so nauseous and just nervous when i was spilling out all of the worries and concerns i have. i don't even think i can go through it again on this blog just because i'm starting to get antsy and nervous just writing this. i don't know why, but it just happens. which is why i think i hide behind the person you know me as. it's easier than showing you the vulnerable, scared little girl i really am.

that's why i was an emotional wreck last night. and honestly i'm surprised it took me this long to break down.


Crystalily said...'s kinda scary how alike we are with some things. The whole scenerio thing...yeah I do that as well. You know that one night where I said I needed something to daydream about before I went to bed...that's when I do it most. Or when I'm bored and not doing anything that really needs me to concentrate. It's why I try my best to stick to things that I know will never happen so I don't freak myself out or something..yet that doesn't always work.

I also get what you mean about thinking about the future. At least you know what you want to do though. Me...I have no idea yet. I mean I know what I think I may be interested in but that's it. I have no set plan. And sadly, I won't have a 10 year reunion to go to or whatever so while I don't have to worry about that, I kinda wish I did have it to worry about. It's just something else that I won't have unless it's for college or whatever but I don't know if they have those for that.

Anyway, if there is ever a time where you want to come out of this shell or persona that you hide behind, I'm here to see who you really are. I won't stop being your friend or anything for that. I love you chica.