Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This may sound weird but

I'm tired of planning things. Of getting everyone here for the summer, of figuring out where we are staying, and what we are doing. I was once a care free kid who did nothing ever, except play on the computer and go to work/school. But then I met you guys and we decided to get together. I drove 18 hours to see Crystal in Michigan. And I had three awesome days there with her and Richard. I drove an hour to see Mel so we could see Twilight and it was awesome. I had so much fun. (MARLEY ALMOST KEELED ME!) Now I'm planning on getting Ash here for this summer. her mom nixed my i pay for one of her tickets deal. So i suggest greyhound which is the price of ONE plane ticket for her, for her to ride a bus both ways. but because it's over a day long on a bus 'she doesn't think she can.' Ugh. I'm venting this anger here for no reason but seriously I'm trying and it's getting me no where. Since you seem to have decided so long ago that you weren't coming why keep getting my hopes up? Why let me spend money to have stuff for you when you get here (ie jonas ticket)? Why tell me 'I'll pay you for that when I come for the summer.' if you don't mean it. ugh. i'm just annoyed.

(ps i love you ash i'm just not having a good day and i've been arguing with you about this since i woke up.)


Anonymous said...

i'm tired of planning things too, but if they're not planned out we're gonna be screwed when the time comes. yeah i know it's annoying and it's not fun, but it will help. trust me when i say that half the plans will be ignored and we'll all be carefree and just having fun. but if we don't plan stuff we won't have anything to fall back on when we need it.

and about me coming, i know it's frustrating and annoying. i never decided i wasn't coming. i'm being realistic. we came up with a plan i was moderately comfortable with, but it got nixed. it wasn't my fault you don't have to attack me for it. i can't make my family mad at me just to see you guys. i love you and i want to come but it's not worth it to have my family hate me.

and yeah, i don't know if i can do the whole being on a bus for almost two days. (because shreveport doesn't work for me. i have to leave through alexandria.) i've never done anything like that and it's definitely something i never thought i'd have to do. so it's scary and part of me doesn't want to do it.

but it's the only option i have, so i AM doing it.

i appreciate that you've bought things (the jonas ticket and when they're available, the warped tickets) for when i get there, but you don't have to try to get mad at me when i'm being honest and just trying to tell you guys that there's a chance i may not be able to come.

i'm not trying to be a bitch. i hate to keep bringing it up. but i needed somebody to talk about it with and you guys were my only options. the fact that i might not be able to come to armsac kills me. because i was the one who first thought of it, and harped on it until it started to happen. this is my dream, to meet you guys.

but the thing about dreams is you have to wake up sometimes.

Sinful Stephani said...

ash you hate keep bringing it up? Well I hate arguing with you about it. And don't say you never decided you weren't coming. One day you'll be coming and then the next you can't and this has been going on for like two months. I'm tired of telling you that you are coming no matter what and having you tell me that if you can't afford to come then you won't. I'm tired of making plans with you about all the stuff we are going to do and then having you tell me that we can't, because you can't come. I'm just tired.

I'm seriously taking a break from my friends for a while.

Sinful Stephani said...

oh & ash if you leave from alexandria it's the same cost and around the same amount of time. But whatever. talk to you guys in a few days