Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Been A Long Time.

I don't know I feel like I should tell you about Bamboozle and the AP tour and the Kiss Concert. But I don't know what to say. It was insane. I met so many great people (you can check them out in my pictures on facebook or myspace) and had SO much fun.
The AP tour kicked it all off, I was at YALE(never thought I would go there ever) and it was insane. We missed A rocket to the moon, and while I love Nick I was okay with that. We got inside and it was like instant mosh. Insane crazy wicked awesome. We started about halfway through the crowd, and now I hate moshing but dude I managed to get us up to almost the barrier (legit two people in front of us) by the time the last act the Maine came on. That was when I could finally see the bands which is why i got pics :). Afterwards we went to Denny's and hung out with the Maine. (Kennedy is freaking awesome) We go to leave and there is a group of teenies...and Jon Oh in front of my car. So I blasted The Maine as I TORE out of the parking lot. Yea I went like fifty out of the parking lot, blasting the Maine at full volume at 2 AM. :)
Next was a three hour long trip to New Jersey for Bamboozle/ Hoodwinked.
Hoodwinked was probably my favorite day it was tiny but so many of the bands that played were effin epic and amazing at what they did. The best act of the night was Danger Radio for sure. I LOVE Love Love there covers of Britney Spears, they should do an album of them :]. We saw CeeJay from PushPlay. He said hi to us and walked to his mommy & daddy, who were oh right next to us and hugged them and shit. I waved at J.Cook from Forever the Sickest Kids. He waved back and I teenied slightly, Marina didn't see him. Then Singer from The Cab. Came from behind the stage into the crowd now I didn't try and get a picture with him but he smiled and waved at me so I did the same. It was awkward but he is adorable. That was my night.
Bamboozle day one was insane. We arrived and there was a huge line and that is when we see Nate Flynn from Sing It Loud. Marina knew who he was I did not. She like screamed he came over and the exchange between me and him went like this.
"So you have our CD. Do you have our CD?"-Nate to me
"You should buy our CD it's only 5 dollars."-Nate
"Marina should I waste five dollars on..."-Me (he cut me off)
"It's not a waste!"-Nate
"If I WASTE five dollars on your CD will you sign it."-Me
"Of course."-Nate
(I drooled the WHOLE effin time. So glad he didn't notice lol jk :])
Walking around saw a ton of different bands All of Hey Monday walked by us like Three times. Waved and said Hi to Elliot. Basically screamed at Mike. Jersey was just like hiya :) I loved it. Marina never saw any of them but Mike cause she was on the ground. Then I see CeeJay from PushPlay. Which is where that pic of me and him came from. Marina followed him and told him that I was too shy to ask for a picture. Actually I was trying not to admit I was scared he was going to like shake my hand or hug me, Nate Flynn had done both and I hate it when people like touch me. I freak out at the drive thru window at work when people expect me to take money or give them money and I have to touch them. How I'm going to be a teacher idk. But yes we saw CeeJay and got pics and went back. So we had this two hour break inbetween going inside and seeing the first band we really wanted to see so we were sitting on a curb and who walks up but Andrew De Torres the lead singer of Danger Radio. We had like a ten minute converstaion about the weather and I kinda wish that I got a pic with him because he is also in the scene aesthetic. Which is another band I love. So I legit spazzed when I found that out. Then it's 2:03 (random time i know) PM and we are walking over to see Sing it Loud play. Along the way who do we spot other than Nate Flynn who has to be on stage in 12 minutes. He didn't believe us at first, and then when we told him the time and he finally stopped taking pics with everyone and signing autographs he went to the merch booth(we bought merch) and then to the stage. It was insane probably my fave performance of the day. He was insane! I love the band officially and I'm glad I 'wasted' five dollars on their cd. it's on my car playing right now lol. So many great bands preformed that day but we were burnt and annoyed, like legit we had almost an hour between acts at some points and we left before Fall Out Boy, which Marina said was okay until we got back to her grandfather's house and then she was like I wanted to see them. Oh Mi Gawd. Are you kidddddding me? I would have stayed but you didn't want to see anyone for three hours before them and I didn't want to roam around.
Bamboozle day two we didn't go until almost two PM. which yes I know "You Missed Honor Society. Kevin and Danielle were there." Yea well I slept for 13 hours. So suck it. We went from two PM til about 6 PM. We saw a ton of great people. I'm hooked on like half the bands legit. The best part was deff right as we were leaving the lead singer of the band we saw (idk what band it was) screamed and I'm quoting him here "Let go of my nuts." haha that's what you get for looking sexy and crowd surfing. Oh & I met one of my favorite bands Van Atta High (Check them out!!!) and saw the Honor Society/ JB street team people and such. Kat & Janice and... I forget the other one. My B!
Then was Kiss Concert. I met Meg for the first time yeaaa :) we had a ton of fun. We only liked certain bands but it was okay. She got me hooked on the white tie affair and we met them. I have Chris(the lead singer) yea I have his phone number. Sean gave me a penny and I have a ticket for a free date with Tim. My only thing that connects me to Ryan was me telling him "I like your lip ring" and the picture. He kinda laughed when I said that but it's true I have a thing for lip jewerly. Is that how that is spelt I always spell it wrong. So then we went back and hung out saw All American Rejects, 3oh!3, Sean Kingston, and then it was time. I know what your thinking. It was time? Yes it was time time to meet Jesse McCartney *hears angels singing* Hahah I'm dramatic a bit. Sorry. But yea so we go and find Meg's friends in line and get insanely close to the beginning. I made new friends (Paula and Shalin) teenies surrounded us. I felt slightly clausterphobic there legitly. And then there were screams and then ooooooh. It was just Sean Kingston and then more screams, just a security guard playing a trick. There were a group of like ten year olds trying to see Jesse Arrive. We kept coming up with plans on how they could rush Jesse when he did arrive. Go under that thing it's plastic and has a two foot gap at the bottom. Take out the security guard there are like twelve of you and one of him, he doesn't look that tough. Run through that little gap right there and pounce. Those suggestions were ignored by the teenies but not by security guard boy. Evil man there were like six more secuirty guards after the last suggestion. Met Jesse said hi kinda didn't care. I mean he was kinda a douche we asked him to sign something for charity and we got told No. faggot.
SO yea that has been my Month of May. It is going to be insane guys. INSANE :)

Stephani :]


Crystalily said...

If that was your May, I can only imagine what July is going to be like for all of us. So effing epic. I have never looked forward to summer as much as I am looking forward to it right now.