Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My side of the story

I'm going to try my best to remember details here but with my memory...yeah it most likely won't happen. I do know that it was shortly after my 18th birthday. I was bored and had the urge to read Jonas Brothers fanfiction for a few days. I used to read Dream Street...or Jesse McCartney...or Greg Raposo...or stories about some of my favorite TV shows and characters but I hadn't been reading fanfiction all that much anymore. Anyway I decided to search for a site where I could satisy that nagging urge that I had and that's how I found JBF. I don't know if it was the first site that I went to or maybe the third, all I know is that I liked the site so I stayed.

I don't remember the first story I read. I really don't...but whatever it was I must of liked it because I'm pretty sure I just created my account on there to comment on stories. At some point shortly after joining, I started reading Laws and Tale of a Pedophile. I commented on those letting the authors know that I loved the stories. I wasn't expecting to start talking to the writers....let alone become friends with them.

Shortly after my friendship with Ashley and Stephani started, I began reading things from Ren and Melissa. I think the first story of Ren's that I read was...Gardenias...I could be wrong about that though. The first thing of Mel's...I believe it was...I Won't Be Falling. Yet again I could be wrong. But just like with Ash and Steph, I commented letting the authors know how much I loved their stories and writing...and may have thrown in my dislike of Cora and Sean (haha had to check if I had that name right and I did. score one for me).

Conversations on the threads started forming and I thought "These girls are awesome." I think the main reason I got on JBF some days was to see if you all had commented back to something I said, just so I could try and keep the conversations going.

At some point in all of this, I came up with the idea for Who's the Dog. I normally don't write fanfiction...just read...but for some reason I felt compelled to post the prologue for that story. Of course it would usually take me forever to update and that's probably why I never went through with writing fanfic before. I do remember that the opinion of you girls on that story are the ones that mattered most to it made me so happy that both Ash and Mel liked it. Then I started another story but that one is currently dead as well..but I do remember Steph and Spencer "fighting" over Kevin in that thread. A few joint stories were started as well.

I don't even know how I got started with talking to you girls on AIM. I really don't but I do know that I'm happy that I do. It's the only reason I get on there most of the fact I think it's the only reason I got it. Course I don't go on there most days anymore or if I do, it's only for a few moments. I kinda feel like I'm drifting apart and I don't know why I am but that's what it feels like. Now I'm getting off topic...but I'm sure you girls have noticed that I tend to do that.

Anyway, even though I could have remained anonymous, I'm happy that I felt like commenting on JBF. Because of that, I met all of you...the best friends and sisters that a girl could ask for.


Mellers said...

Crystallll! I loved this post too. It's awesome to look back on how we all met. :)