Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm The Oldest Young Person I Know/ ARMSAC 2009/Drugtalk2.0

No seriously I am the oldest young person I know. I'm seventeen years old and I can barely move. I know what you are thinking what? how is that possible you work for eight hours a day shop on end (and ...). True I do but after I do my knees burn I can barely walk and it sucks horribly. My knees crack every two seconds(I used to do these bends when I was younger[fuck I'm still young] that I was TOLD would damage my knees and they did), my ankles give out on me (I sprained they too much during soccer and did nothing about it ever), and my feet well they are horribly callused and sore and horrible (I'm not quite sure why). Then there is my back, we're not exactly sure if this was from my car accident or not my family and co-workers think it was, I don't think so. I mean I used to have shoulder and back pain before the car crash, but after the car crash I guess it became more frequent and worse. There was one day when I think I pinched a nerve and I could barely stand.
I can only imagine myself at like fifty confined to a wheelchair because I can't move. And I don't doubt that I will be. I'm just waiting for some doctor one day to look at me and be like, you have cancer in your joints or arthrites in your joints. Cause it will happen. :/
ARMSAC 2009 dude when we all get together it will be epic, even though right now it is only Ashley and I, since everyone else seemed to be all no I don't want to post on the ARMSAC blog... and by everyone else I mean Melissa, cause Crystal's computer is broken so she can't get online. And none of us have talked to Ren in FOREVER. So I forsee the event as being mad wicked awesome.
Ashley is my best friend, just like she keeps saying I am hers Ashley is mine. I have a friend who I have been friends with since I was five or six and I don't talk to her like at all anymore but Ashley and I talk every day. That is part of the reason she is my best friend. Another reason is she knows to much so we have to be best friends Jtothek. But we have these redicilious inside jokes, pester each other (ashley) over presents, and just have fun. ily ashleyluff :)
(I'm skipping right here to Crystal sorry mel)
Crystal and I have actually seen each other actually been together before and it was a shit load of fun. Sleeping all day, staying up all night, iming each other even though we were like three feet apart. Ricky stealing my laptop....
RICKY CAN BE THE R IN ARMSAC (bajah not like I am replacing Ren I love her to much to do that but just saying)
...and then screaming cause of my background picture, before changing my background of my laptop to a picture of him shirtless. and the background of my phone to a picture of him. Crystal and I talking to ourselves, our walk to seveneleven. the guys bike tire popping and us almost getting lost. My operation grope kevin jonas t-shirt magically becoming a wife beater and just plain penis related fun. :) ily crystalily
Melissa and I almost met we were at the same concert and we passed each other multiple times and never knew it. I saw her once I swore but she was gone in a flash and that was the end of that. We live in the same state and if needed I will go kick some english teacher butt for her! She and I get along really well. I can always talk to her if I need some ARMSAC love. or if she needs some love period. ily Mellers :)
Richard might be coming to ARMSAC 2009, depends on if he annoys the hell out of me cause if he does his ticket can go to Kevin. Yea I said it! He and I are friends but he annoys me but I love him. Idk? he's amazing at times and d-bagish at others. :/
Marni,Brittany and any others that might come...most of them rock. Marni and Brittany are amazing I love those two girls we met once for a concert before and I realized how fucking tall they are compared to me. Like seriously I look like a little kid compared to Marni and Brittany is only a couple of inches shorter than Marni. Marni is the Shaq to my Kobe :).

Side note ASHLEY why did we not invite Corinne to ARMSAC 2009. I know she lives on the other side of the country but STILL!

I put up with people talking about doing drugs I do. I mean I once had a converstaion with Kevin when he was high. It was hilarious. I have also had talks with Ricky when he was, not as hilarious more depressing...and scary. So I put up with it. I just don't like it.

& finally

Ashley whatever your middle name is Ates
We will always be friends got that. And no little thing of you doing drugs will change that. i freakin love you.
