Monday, January 12, 2009

have some composure, where is your posture?

i'm a little sad. everyone else was told they were amazing in steph's last blog, and all i got was weird and old. gee thanks.

anywho, right now i'm freezing and rocking out to some panic and just enjoying it. i don't like having limited internet time, especially when i have to hide the fact there's an armsac blog.

i don't know what i really wanted to blog about, but i told crystal way earlier that i kind of wanted to. so this will be just a random ramble i bet. you don't have to read.

a few months ago i had a klondike bar for the first time. and i don't know what they tried to get me to think, but they aren't anything special. i mean i wouldn't do anything to get a klondike bar other than open the freezer and getting one. they're not that amazing. it's just ice cream.

i'm really wishing i could find this fanfic that's been eating at me to reread it, but everywhere i look i can't find it. i know that when i do find it i won't be talking to a soul until i finish it. the fact that i'll be reading it on my phone will only make it take twice as long.

it's so sad that i remember so much about the fanfic, but can't remember the title. ugh.

ohh snap, i just realized the one website i haven't checked.

let me go there right quick.

Your search returned no results.

boo, if any site had it it would have been that one.

i'm seriously bummed. i know the story would have made me even more bummed, considering someone dies in it, but i still want to read it.



Crystalily said...

well i'm sorry that you couldn't find the fanfic you were looking for.
and you know you're awesome Ash...Steph knows it too. she just doesn't like to admit it for some reason.